Why not another Russian Rec?

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Why not another Russian Rec?

Post by Soccerman771 »

VGG IMO. Russia vs. China. I almost typed GG at about the 15 min mark but decided to stick it out and fish-boom. Any way China is still OP? I know I had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much wood and had to go sell at the market. I'm still having problems with wood management 8O .

I relaxed a bit at about the 28 min mark when I knew the game was min. Constructive feedback is always welcome..
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"Do you know how difficult it is to micro Napalm?" - Lazy_Tuga

"This isn't going to work. I've picked a water deck and there isn't even a pond on this map." - Blackadderthe4th
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Re: Why not another Russian Rec?

Post by Marksman_Anders »

That was a good game yes, a lot of battles all the time.

I think those oprichniks that you kept sending up there in batches really annoyed him, even though they got slaughtered. He was down to 8 vills at one time IIRC, but you maxed out in vills. That was one of his errors I think + he had way too much idle vill time.

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Re: Why not another Russian Rec?

Post by IndyBrit »

I'll take a look at this tonight. Did you see my China beat down by the Brit major? I'm struggling with China. Nav is working with me, but I'd appreciate your feedback too b/c you always offer honest opinion (i.e. don't pull punches. lol)
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Re: Why not another Russian Rec?

Post by Soccerman771 »

@ Indy - yeah I'll take a look. I appreciate any feedback from you as well.

@Marksman - thanks. I kept just enough of an eye on them to see how much damage they would do before either keeping them committed to doing their job while they died (i.e. could I get the golden pavilion down before they died, or did I need to send them off raiding elsewhere). I did this with the pavilion and the t.c. I knew once the last battle was over where he pushed that the game was mine. If he'd have raided more with his cav, I'd have been in trouble. I should have built a dock on the other side and made boats to harass from that side in the water as it was un-contested.

Thx guys

"Do you know how difficult it is to micro Napalm?" - Lazy_Tuga

"This isn't going to work. I've picked a water deck and there isn't even a pond on this map." - Blackadderthe4th
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Re: Why not another Russian Rec?

Post by IndyBrit »

I'm not sure if you looked at his side, but you and this guy are not in the same pay grade. I know it looked dark at about 12 min, but in reality he had no chance after he decided not to head to your town after winning the FB battle. Not much to learn from this game after 10 min or so.

A couple of things -
The good:
Conscious effort to pull hunts back to your town.
The simultaneous attacks at various map points.
Opris going through the wall the second time (see the bad)
Very solid, good transition to recovery mode
Resource management. I don't know what wood problem you were talking about - until about 18 min (I stopped paying attention) you seemed to be collecting what you were using. [[edit - forgot you were exchanging at the market. :roll: well, you can work that out. :-P ]]

The bad:
Consider a little more wood during aging to II. You were housed and had 1200F right at the beginning of age II. It would probably also let you build market earlier. Overall housing was better than previous recs I've seen tho.
Opris running around wall into his town (first raid). They tear through walls like paper. To be fair, I think you hadn't seen the wall for that first run.
Consider repairing your FB when you push him back. I think you would have lost it anyway tho, but why not?
You had 7/8 idle cossacks in the corner (of the round map :) ) during the battle for the FB. Of course, he didn't have any villies to kill at the time (see below)

All in all, you did what you should have which was beat down a player who is not your equal. Play some rated games, cuz you are not the same rank as him. :)

Some of his mistakes to learn from:
If you win the FB battle, go look at his town to see if maybe this thing is over.
Idle TC (approx. b/c i just buzzed thru on fast play) from 6:30 - 11:00, 13:30-14:20, and 17:00-20:30. Ouch, game over if this goes past 10 min.
He sells his soul for a big early-ish rush, but then he has no late game plan. Sounds a lot like my China strat. :oops:
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Re: Why not another Russian Rec?

Post by Soccerman771 »

Thanks very much Indy. I'm glad to see there is no "ugly" part this time.

I don't think my T/C was idle until I got to the 100 vil mark where I stopped making villes. Totally forgot about the cossacks.

Well, I'd play more rated games, but everytime I get on to do a qs there is always some kinda clan game going and those are much more fun IMO...I'm definitely getting to where I'm more comfortable playing higher ranked opponents.

"Do you know how difficult it is to micro Napalm?" - Lazy_Tuga

"This isn't going to work. I've picked a water deck and there isn't even a pond on this map." - Blackadderthe4th
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