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Post by Sun_Tzu1 »

In practice, do you guys look to see what treasures are before committing yourself to fighting for them? Or do you just go for them.

I know a few times I've gone for a slightly more substantial treasure only to find it was sheep or cows.

Am I missing something about sheep and cow treasures. Is anyone here actually glad when the get a sheep/cow treasure rather than resources, XP, etc. If so, can you explain why?
Last edited by Sun_Tzu1 on Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Treasures

Post by I__CHAOS__I »

u know u can see what the treasure is when u hoover over it with your mouse right?

usually I go for smaller treasures, but it all depends on civ and strats.
in a FF it can be good to take a 235 coin treasure but when xbow rushing u better of with food/wood treasures
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Re: Treasures

Post by ruminator »

Hold cursor over the treasure and it'll tell you what it is before you bother attacking - sometimes it can be a bit intermittent though! If I find a rubbish tresure like that I'll carry on checking the map in case of something better.
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Re: Treasures

Post by Soccerman771 »

Cows and sheep treasures are good if you are Japan or India.

Otherwise, hover to see if you want it and if you know the treas won't be stolen go after it. Do the trick where you can go to the edge of the guardian territory if it's wolves or jag's, etc. Also, using cav to kill bears to get CDB's on some maps are well worth the boost. Esp. so if they are near your fb.

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Re: Treasures

Post by Sun_Tzu1 »

I guess what I was asking was, are you guys pickie about the *types* of treasures you go for, or, do you just try to get as many as you can.

e.g., if you *were* doing a crossbow strat and there was a gold treasure there, would you skip it and go look for another treasure or would you get it anyway.

Treasure hunting with Aztec is a little different. Their warchief is a melee unit, therefore, after converting guardians, the micro lies in using the warchief to attack and then withdrawing him/switching him to another guardian at the last moment so a converted pet can finish the job and in doing so get you the extra XP from the WC's aura.
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Re: Treasures

Post by Comadevil »

Of course i skip treasures if they are not worth it
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Re: Treasures

Post by RascalJones »

I always get the freebies (30 gold), no sense in NOT getting them. As India, if I find a wood treasure lightly guarded, I go for it too. Other than that, I judge based on the number of guardians and the value.
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Re: Treasures

Post by I__CHAOS__I »

sometimes exploring is more valuable than a treasure (when rushing exploring is really important)
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Re: Treasures

Post by BenS64 »

yes it is
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Re: Treasures

Post by 36drew »

I skip treasures if they aren't worth it. What's a german player need a 40% explorer HP treasure for? Not that useful.

x 2 on what Chaos said.
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Re: Treasures

Post by Soccerman771 »

[quote=""36drew""]I skip treasures if they aren't worth it. What's a german player need a 40% explorer HP treasure for? Not that useful.

x 2 on what Chaos said.[/quote]

What if you are playing vs an Iro, Sioux, or China, etc. and it's better for you to get it than it is for him to get it?

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Re: Treasures

Post by Sporting_Lisbon »

Still not worthy imo. If you want to be that careful, do as I do. If I see a good treasure but I have seen the other explorer around I just hide and wait. Then I go and steal the treasure, for my delight ^^
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Re: Treasures

Post by 36drew »

[quote=""Sporting_Lisbon""]Still not worthy imo. If you want to be that careful, do as I do. If I see a good treasure but I have seen the other explorer around I just hide and wait. Then I go and steal the treasure, for my delight ^^[/quote]

I have memories of stealing a 475 food treasure from plop on Sonora. Early game that is pretty much GG.
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