You got a recorded game to watch?? This is a bad map for this matchup, IMO. Spain can go Schooners and TP boost for shipments. Was it mercs that killed you?
it's a bad match-up to start with, no matter which map.
I remember watching lot's of Ourk replays (the Master of French) where he always ended up in troubles vs a good spanish FF. Countering that first spanish wave without too much damage is key.
Wisdom is the supreme part of happiness. - Sophocles
Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient. - Aristotle
Muskets +Hussars could manage it. Muskets > rods and those spanish horses, while Hussars can handle cannons and skirms. You have to outmicro him, but if you beat this first spanish attack you have a pretty good chance of winning the game.
Mercs didnt killed me this key board killed me first lol next i managed to beat is 1st attack but next he had some skirm lancer rods and falcs i killed him a fewvills at the beginning with musket push
well played again.
You have a very good build order, you know what to do on a macro level
You can improve on the micro level and military combat skills though.
in this game you had too much wood, some crosspoint walling could have helped. After the first wave you should have build some rax/stable in a more fwd position, that usually help to avoid fighting in your base.
Wisdom is the supreme part of happiness. - Sophocles
Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient. - Aristotle