My advanced fish boom strat
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My advanced fish boom strat
The Ottoman Advanced Mud Map Fish Boom
For all readers: this strat is for players from lvl 18 to 30. If you are higher, you can read, suggest improvements but don’t start laming “that is a slow age up, my spain FF will own you, etc”. I could take steroids, practise my herding and other micro for days, but I will never be as fast as you. That’s why I am happy at lvl 23 and you guys are higher.
The Ottoman are one of the best fish booming civilisations. This strat will see us fish booming using the starting wood, age up to fortress as fast as possible and use the extra resources from fishing to annihilate your opponent.
When to use: it will counter any FF strat, if you are fast enough most economic boom/turtle strats and colonial harassment semi FF. It’s a strat for typical mud maps: California, Sagenuay, New England, Arunicia, Yucatan, … It is not a water map 2 dock start. That’s the easy fish boom.
When not use: if you see a rush/colonial war coming.
1. Deck
Fishing: Obviously you don't want to give away your strat. An ideal deck would have all the fishing upgrades in it. But we don't wanna do that. However I find it impossible to make a deck look like a silk road rush BO. Just to many cards you wont use.So just schooners. Fish market. And two / three galleys in age 3.
Defense: Colonial militia for those times when somebody reads our strat correctly or goes for an early siege heavy / anti FF rush (pikemen, grenadier, puma, warclub).
Offense: the normal otto cards: 8 jannis, 5 spahi, 2 falconets, both factories, 2 great bombards, 12 abus.
Advanced: some cards supporting your strat later on / counter your opponent: I have three versions:
- Fish Fast Fortress spam: 5 hussar, Mamelukes, Manchu, 6 Jannies
- Fish Fast industrial slam: 6 spahi, 6 elmeti, Little bombards
- Fish Fast industrial revolt: 8 hussar, 7 hussar,
2. Start
Send 2 starting Vills to chop wood at the nearest forest.
Send 2 starting villagers to hunts and herd. Try to get 2 herds near your TC, just in case of a rush/pressure/raiding.
Send 2 villagers to collect wood.
Explorer goes treasure hunting and constructs 1 TP. You will need this TP for your shipment stream. The building of fishing boats will speed up your XP, but not enough.
After collecting the starting wood and food, build 1 house, send 1 villager chopping wood and other villager to the coast. You should have around 200 wood when he arrives. Build a dock.
Most of the time I use the settler of the dock to herd more hunts to my tc.
The Ottoman Free settler stream allows you to leave 3/4 settlers on wood early to construct a dock and maintain fishing boat production quicker than any other civ.
All new settlers to food.
Send schooners as your first card. Start constructing fishing boast the moment schooners arrives. All new fishing boats to fish.
Collect 800 food and press age up button: 400 wood politician
3. Transition to Colonial
Second shipment: 3 settlers or gold Trickle: why? Your base might be sieged. And you might house yourself during this time.
Keep 3 settlers on wood, new settlers to gold and collect until you have 300, rest on hunts. All new boats on fish.
Go scouting with your explorer. You need to know what your enemy is up to.
Send 700 gold when arriving in colonial as your third shipment unless you notice and immediate attack. If that is the case, go defend yourself, keep on building boats and try to get to fortress somehow. Good luck.
Build Two houses and a barracks. You have time when waiting for 700 gold to arrive. Sometimes I like to que one jannie just in case.
Age up with wood and galley.
You will be in fortress at 7.30. That is just 30 seconds to a minute slower than your normal FF. The big difference is that you will soon have 10 fishing boats and more coming.
5. Transition to fortress
Kill any sheep/cow to speed up food collection. You are not fighting yet and probably wont have the time for the micro needed later.
Build jannies. Always keep 3/4 settlers on wood for houses, rest on food and gold. Fishing boats on fish. We want to get our spahi out!
6. Fortress.
Use the 400 wood for upgrading your jannies to veteran. Scout with the galley to see if you are challenged on the water.If our opponent is not giving you serious trouble by now, the game should be ours. The’re is no stopping us.
If you havent seen your opponents military yet, we will go on the offensive. It is always better you decide when and how to fight. It is time to seize the initiative for the rest of the game, we waited long enough!
First fortress shipment is Spahi, go for raiding
Second is two falconets.
2 Falconets, 20 veteran jannies and 5 spahi at 9/10 minutes are a good attack force. Our objective is to destroy any military threat your opponent has. This will be a large colonial army, your 2 falconets and spahi should take care of that, a FF shipment army or a first defense fortress force in case of a boom strat.
At this moment you will decide for your strategy (and a bit depending on your deck choice)
7. a. Fast fortress spam: If you can destroy the opponents military and keep some of your own alive, just proceed with your normal FF slam: Your normal Fortress shipment spam supported by extra fish boom resources. Send for 8 jannies, jannie combat, build a stable and hussars, or a foundry for falconets. Support with merc shipments like mamelukes, Manchu, stradiot.
7. b. FI Slam: Raid but keep your spahi alive. They have an auto upgrade.
Send for a fortress and 1.000 gold if needed. Grab a second TP if possible. Go to Industrial with spahi.
Get your Big bombards / 6 spahi / 12 abus out and destroy. You will be hitting him with at least 10 spahi, 12 abus, 15-20 jannies, 2-5 big bombards (if you can get the church tech out).
If the FI fails you can send your 2 tc and factories later.
7. c. FI revolt:This is my ultimate strat. I have got victories with this over players upt to 5 PR above me. With better players, you don’t want to test your skills. You have one chance for a KO and that’s it.
Raid but keep your spahi alive. They have an auto upgrade. Send for a fortress and 1.000 gold if needed. Grab a second TP if possible. Go industrial with spahi. Go for spahi, 12 abus, and some big bombards and 8 hussar. That is at least 4 shipments, so saving your fortress shipments and the second TP are very important. Build hussar with additional resources. Get 1.000 wood, gold and food and go for revolution with O’Higgins. If you can get up to 25 imperial hussars the game is ours. Guard your bombards and annihilate the opponent.
Iro: this strat absolutely counters any FF, watch out for there BB rush
Spain: Counters any Spain FF
Dutch: Dutch will be strong from 9 minutes on. A fast industrial might be very dangerous. I would suggest fortress warfare and building your opponent. Watch out for counter attack on the water.
Brits: Counters any britmanor boom, but watch out for a counter attack on the water.
France: Watch out for a heavy rush, absolutely own any FF or boom French have got.
Aztec: Dont do it.
Sioux: unless they kick you of the water or perform a perfect club rush they are dead.
China: watch out for rush with
Japan: difficult one. Havent played it that much,
India: I havent played this one against India yet.
German: counters a merc FF of boom
Ports: Counters the FI boom, watch out for a counter attack on the water.
For all readers: this strat is for players from lvl 18 to 30. If you are higher, you can read, suggest improvements but don’t start laming “that is a slow age up, my spain FF will own you, etc”. I could take steroids, practise my herding and other micro for days, but I will never be as fast as you. That’s why I am happy at lvl 23 and you guys are higher.
The Ottoman are one of the best fish booming civilisations. This strat will see us fish booming using the starting wood, age up to fortress as fast as possible and use the extra resources from fishing to annihilate your opponent.
When to use: it will counter any FF strat, if you are fast enough most economic boom/turtle strats and colonial harassment semi FF. It’s a strat for typical mud maps: California, Sagenuay, New England, Arunicia, Yucatan, … It is not a water map 2 dock start. That’s the easy fish boom.
When not use: if you see a rush/colonial war coming.
1. Deck
Fishing: Obviously you don't want to give away your strat. An ideal deck would have all the fishing upgrades in it. But we don't wanna do that. However I find it impossible to make a deck look like a silk road rush BO. Just to many cards you wont use.So just schooners. Fish market. And two / three galleys in age 3.
Defense: Colonial militia for those times when somebody reads our strat correctly or goes for an early siege heavy / anti FF rush (pikemen, grenadier, puma, warclub).
Offense: the normal otto cards: 8 jannis, 5 spahi, 2 falconets, both factories, 2 great bombards, 12 abus.
Advanced: some cards supporting your strat later on / counter your opponent: I have three versions:
- Fish Fast Fortress spam: 5 hussar, Mamelukes, Manchu, 6 Jannies
- Fish Fast industrial slam: 6 spahi, 6 elmeti, Little bombards
- Fish Fast industrial revolt: 8 hussar, 7 hussar,
2. Start
Send 2 starting Vills to chop wood at the nearest forest.
Send 2 starting villagers to hunts and herd. Try to get 2 herds near your TC, just in case of a rush/pressure/raiding.
Send 2 villagers to collect wood.
Explorer goes treasure hunting and constructs 1 TP. You will need this TP for your shipment stream. The building of fishing boats will speed up your XP, but not enough.
After collecting the starting wood and food, build 1 house, send 1 villager chopping wood and other villager to the coast. You should have around 200 wood when he arrives. Build a dock.
Most of the time I use the settler of the dock to herd more hunts to my tc.
The Ottoman Free settler stream allows you to leave 3/4 settlers on wood early to construct a dock and maintain fishing boat production quicker than any other civ.
All new settlers to food.
Send schooners as your first card. Start constructing fishing boast the moment schooners arrives. All new fishing boats to fish.
Collect 800 food and press age up button: 400 wood politician
3. Transition to Colonial
Second shipment: 3 settlers or gold Trickle: why? Your base might be sieged. And you might house yourself during this time.
Keep 3 settlers on wood, new settlers to gold and collect until you have 300, rest on hunts. All new boats on fish.
Go scouting with your explorer. You need to know what your enemy is up to.
Send 700 gold when arriving in colonial as your third shipment unless you notice and immediate attack. If that is the case, go defend yourself, keep on building boats and try to get to fortress somehow. Good luck.
Build Two houses and a barracks. You have time when waiting for 700 gold to arrive. Sometimes I like to que one jannie just in case.
Age up with wood and galley.
You will be in fortress at 7.30. That is just 30 seconds to a minute slower than your normal FF. The big difference is that you will soon have 10 fishing boats and more coming.
5. Transition to fortress
Kill any sheep/cow to speed up food collection. You are not fighting yet and probably wont have the time for the micro needed later.
Build jannies. Always keep 3/4 settlers on wood for houses, rest on food and gold. Fishing boats on fish. We want to get our spahi out!
6. Fortress.
Use the 400 wood for upgrading your jannies to veteran. Scout with the galley to see if you are challenged on the water.If our opponent is not giving you serious trouble by now, the game should be ours. The’re is no stopping us.
If you havent seen your opponents military yet, we will go on the offensive. It is always better you decide when and how to fight. It is time to seize the initiative for the rest of the game, we waited long enough!
First fortress shipment is Spahi, go for raiding
Second is two falconets.
2 Falconets, 20 veteran jannies and 5 spahi at 9/10 minutes are a good attack force. Our objective is to destroy any military threat your opponent has. This will be a large colonial army, your 2 falconets and spahi should take care of that, a FF shipment army or a first defense fortress force in case of a boom strat.
At this moment you will decide for your strategy (and a bit depending on your deck choice)
7. a. Fast fortress spam: If you can destroy the opponents military and keep some of your own alive, just proceed with your normal FF slam: Your normal Fortress shipment spam supported by extra fish boom resources. Send for 8 jannies, jannie combat, build a stable and hussars, or a foundry for falconets. Support with merc shipments like mamelukes, Manchu, stradiot.
7. b. FI Slam: Raid but keep your spahi alive. They have an auto upgrade.
Send for a fortress and 1.000 gold if needed. Grab a second TP if possible. Go to Industrial with spahi.
Get your Big bombards / 6 spahi / 12 abus out and destroy. You will be hitting him with at least 10 spahi, 12 abus, 15-20 jannies, 2-5 big bombards (if you can get the church tech out).
If the FI fails you can send your 2 tc and factories later.
7. c. FI revolt:This is my ultimate strat. I have got victories with this over players upt to 5 PR above me. With better players, you don’t want to test your skills. You have one chance for a KO and that’s it.
Raid but keep your spahi alive. They have an auto upgrade. Send for a fortress and 1.000 gold if needed. Grab a second TP if possible. Go industrial with spahi. Go for spahi, 12 abus, and some big bombards and 8 hussar. That is at least 4 shipments, so saving your fortress shipments and the second TP are very important. Build hussar with additional resources. Get 1.000 wood, gold and food and go for revolution with O’Higgins. If you can get up to 25 imperial hussars the game is ours. Guard your bombards and annihilate the opponent.
Iro: this strat absolutely counters any FF, watch out for there BB rush
Spain: Counters any Spain FF
Dutch: Dutch will be strong from 9 minutes on. A fast industrial might be very dangerous. I would suggest fortress warfare and building your opponent. Watch out for counter attack on the water.
Brits: Counters any britmanor boom, but watch out for a counter attack on the water.
France: Watch out for a heavy rush, absolutely own any FF or boom French have got.
Aztec: Dont do it.
Sioux: unless they kick you of the water or perform a perfect club rush they are dead.
China: watch out for rush with
Japan: difficult one. Havent played it that much,
India: I havent played this one against India yet.
German: counters a merc FF of boom
Ports: Counters the FI boom, watch out for a counter attack on the water.
- Soccerman771
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Re: My advanced fish boom strat
I'm gonna give it a try..thanks for posting. I'm "adopting" Otto's as a new civ to learn.
"Do you know how difficult it is to micro Napalm?" - Lazy_Tuga
"This isn't going to work. I've picked a water deck and there isn't even a pond on this map." - Blackadderthe4th
"Do you know how difficult it is to micro Napalm?" - Lazy_Tuga
"This isn't going to work. I've picked a water deck and there isn't even a pond on this map." - Blackadderthe4th
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
If any of you experienced otto players woul rate my strat, always welcome!
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
If you are looking at a delayed fortress or FI you are potentially vulnerable to a colonial rush. It may be worth having CM in your deck - even if you don't need to play it. I've tried in the past using silk road and schooners for ultra eco but this seems to leave me far too vulnerable.
I tend to take the 4 hussars or 4 abus politician on aging. The wood and galley one is good, but there is normally too much pressure on land at about 7/8 mins to ignore the potential reinforcements.
I think this would work against a passive player, but wouldn't like to try it against the Chinese!
I tend to take the 4 hussars or 4 abus politician on aging. The wood and galley one is good, but there is normally too much pressure on land at about 7/8 mins to ignore the potential reinforcements.
I think this would work against a passive player, but wouldn't like to try it against the Chinese!
"Could you, would you, with a goat? Would you, could you, on a boat?" Doctor Seuss
"Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?"
George Wallace
"Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?"
George Wallace
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
Like I said, dont do this strat against age2 civs like aztec or if you see a siege heavy rush deck
It's a perfect counter for chinese FF.
Against chinese I would go with 4 hussar politician yes, but you gotta chop a lot of wood to heep you from getting housed.
It's a perfect counter for chinese FF.
Against chinese I would go with 4 hussar politician yes, but you gotta chop a lot of wood to heep you from getting housed.
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
I disagree with gold trickle/3 villager as second card. Interesting idea on the tp first. I think that its a good idea to keep a card in cue or close to for most of the early game here to play CM if there is some heat. It arrives fairly quick and can do its job.
I think overall it looks pretty solid. Just a matter of adapting it to how your opponent/the game changes. The best players out there are the ones who adapt. The strategy looks like it has good scouting too.
If I win its usually because I know what my opponents doing through scouting + i'm harassing and keeping him running around, not because I have great micro. For the FI option, I like a fort in my deck. The only thing I want to add is that you can continue to sea boom and actually fair pretty well in colonial vs. fortress civs in some of these situations. A couple shots from abus will kill any cannons.
I think overall it looks pretty solid. Just a matter of adapting it to how your opponent/the game changes. The best players out there are the ones who adapt. The strategy looks like it has good scouting too.

Re: My advanced fish boom strat
[quote=""luukje""]If any of you experienced otto players woul rate my strat, always welcome![/quote]

Re: My advanced fish boom strat
wow, thnx for the rating.
The most important thing when using this strat is checking your opponent, you need to know if he will give you serious trouble before 7 minutes.
It's up to scouting really.
I send the 3 villager when I see that my opponent is doing some FF or boom strat. When I expect trouble, I replace it with colonial miltia. But otto arent a defesive civ, when I send CM, most of the times I will loose anyway, it only help vs real all or nothing rushes (puma rush, club rush)
Because you age up kinda late for otto and you get a TP, and you are building boats, you really have a third shipment when arriving in colonial (just after 5 minutes). But im gonna try a few times and save the shipment.
The fort is very usefull for FI. It protects your TP and produces units.
The most important thing when using this strat is checking your opponent, you need to know if he will give you serious trouble before 7 minutes.
It's up to scouting really.
I send the 3 villager when I see that my opponent is doing some FF or boom strat. When I expect trouble, I replace it with colonial miltia. But otto arent a defesive civ, when I send CM, most of the times I will loose anyway, it only help vs real all or nothing rushes (puma rush, club rush)
Because you age up kinda late for otto and you get a TP, and you are building boats, you really have a third shipment when arriving in colonial (just after 5 minutes). But im gonna try a few times and save the shipment.
The fort is very usefull for FI. It protects your TP and produces units.
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
I send the 3 villager when I see that my opponent is doing some FF or boom strat. [/quote]
I'm not sure how you can know this when still in colonial?
I send the 3 villager when I see that my opponent is doing some FF or boom strat. [/quote]
I'm not sure how you can know this when still in colonial?
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
Watching his deck, scouting for any forwarded villgers, taking the opponents civ into consideration and a lot of guessing?
And if im wrong, hopefully i can still recall the shipment.
(at least that's all the theory, if I could do it in real game I would be a lot higher than PR 23)
And if im wrong, hopefully i can still recall the shipment.
(at least that's all the theory, if I could do it in real game I would be a lot higher than PR 23)
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Re: My advanced fish boom strat
Have you watched Drew's VOD Otto sea boom recording? It is different on a few points, but might give you a few ideas.
Have you watched Drew's VOD Otto sea boom recording? It is different on a few points, but might give you a few ideas.
Re: My advanced fish boom strat
Where can I find it?
Mind you, this is my advanced version, where I use 1 dock to support a powerfull FF or FI.
There is off course the standard 2 dock version, where you take to sea and just hope to outspam your opponent.
Mind you, this is my advanced version, where I use 1 dock to support a powerfull FF or FI.
There is off course the standard 2 dock version, where you take to sea and just hope to outspam your opponent.