OK this is a strategy that I use every time I play a dutch rush. It works on every map (land and light naval maps) It is a starting 3 bank rush with about 30 skirms (depending on ur skill) and rooms for nades or hussars.
My deck is:
Age 1: 3 villys, bank of Amsterdam, bank of Rotterdam, Colonial Militia
Age2: 700 food, gold, wood,(wood can also be replaced by team infantry points), infantry attack, 3 hussars (or pike), bank wagon(must have), 2 outpost, advanced arsenal, religious freedom, and fencing school
Age : 1000 food and gold, military reforms, infantry combat, 9 ruyters, 6 petards (aka jihads), 4 outpost(can be replaced by fort in age 4), fort, and 6 hackapells
Age 4: 2 factories
Ok in age 1 all on gold crate until u gather 100 gold and then shift 5 villys to the nearest hunts. when the rest of the crates r gathered put ur remaining villys on gold and make villys and a house until u reach a population of 17.
card 1: 3 villys
by the time u hit the button to head for age 2 u should have around 8 on food and 9 on gold. age with 400 wood. MAKE SURE TO GET TREASURES!!!
wood and food treasures help a ton. if u need help with treasure hunting look at the guide on this site found in the TAD Strategy section.
Once u hit the age button, out ur 9 vills that where on gold and switch them to wood. if you get good enough treasures you can make a bank while in the age up.
By the time you age u should have another shipment. send the bank wagon card. after gathering wood make 2 banks for a total of three banks. after that you need houses and a rax. build a rax asap and cue villys. ur tjird shipment should be here. send 700 gold. while it is coming should should be able to make maybe 10 skirms. gather gold and make around 30 skirms. if there is no sigh of the enemy make 10 grenaders they are the bomb....no pun intended....

4th card should be infantry attack to pump up those skirms. then just attack him, but be smart about where u attacku might wanna split skirms and attack from 2 sides. if you have a good map make a 4th bank and make some mercenaries.
If he has a good defense,back off and age. send 6 petards and make cannons and halbs. push and push and take map control.