Anyways, I've got a few cards available right now, and I was going to ask which Spanish TEAM cards I should definitely pick up. (My city is ~22) The card that stands out to me as being Spain's best team card is Inquisition. After that, most the other cards seem to be more strategy-specific.
I was trying to figure out in what situations you would play the Archaic Soldier Training over the Cheap Barracks. Cheap Barracks gives you two barracks for the price of one, which effectively halves the train time ALL infantry in groups of ten, right? I guess the only exception would be if you want to train five or less, but if were going to train five or less, why play AST at all? Or maybe there is some crazy Spain + Britain ambush strategy involving AST and Fenching school (-90% train time, right?) where you bait the enemy into Britain's base and then spring an instant army of longbows on them?

Any great Spanish TEAM cards I'm missing?