In 3v3 games, I've had like 5 computer crashes over the last week or two. They happen usually 10-15 minutes in, and Ages either dumps to desktop or just locks up so I have to ctl-alt-del out. Seems to be OK in 2v2 or 1v1, and my network connection is still fine. I don't know of anything particular I'm doing at the moment of the crash.
The only change I know of is that it's been since TAD. Is there a known issue or a bugs forum someone knows about like on ES or Age Sanctuary?
I really like 3v3 games and hate to just give them up, but I hate dumping on my teammates too.
I'm not sure of any known bugs, can you list your hardware and settings? It may be something to do with that. Have you noticed it is on any particular maps?
Hmm, hitting the windows button shouldn't cause it to crash. I would suggest that it is your graphics card. Try disabling the Anti-Aliasing in your graphic card options.
If this doesn't work, then try lowering your in-game graphics settings and see if this helps.
I had a problem with comp crashing also..
I discovered that I had the speed set to high on my graphics card.
I adjusted the speed from 8X to 4X and now I never crash.
That may not be the problem but like Strokey said it may be a G card problem.
If the speed adjustment doesn't help or is not applicable.
then go through your settings and shut or lower each one, one at a time, basically process of elimination.
Did you try playing just disabling the AA on your graphics card? Also, once you find you can get through games ok, start adjusting settings little by little. There are a few specific areas in the graphics settings that work the graphics card hardest so you should be able to get them back up a little.
[quote=""StrokeyBlofeld""]Did you try playing just disabling the AA on your graphics card? Also, once you find you can get through games ok, start adjusting settings little by little. There are a few specific areas in the graphics settings that work the graphics card hardest so you should be able to get them back up a little.[/quote]
When I went in to look, AA was already off. I turned off various accelerations in my graphics card, but they all caused unacceptable performance issues (e.g. mouse only visible 50% of the time, etc.) I was reduced to turning everything to low in the game, plus refresh down to 50 Hz, 16-bit color, etc. Runs snappy now - 4 games down (fingers crossed) - so I'm afraid to mess with it.
Just had another crash tonight. About 15 games in a row without though. Hope it was just a thing. Gonna replace router first - that's a cheap step and it's old.