Ok I'll make a review:
Discovery age
1. You took a bit too much getting a shrine up.
2. What camera do you use? The further, the better.
3. Try to get idle vills gathering as soon as the idle icon pops up. The longer you take, the later you age.
4. Same with pickind deck and card.
5. To age up, do it as soon as you have 800f and get the wonder building with just one vill. Then, gather 100f and get another settler makeing and then you can get 5-6 vills on wonder, depending on the res you need.
Colonial age
1. While aging only get food for vills, try to get wood first for shrines so that it doesn't keep you tied up.
2. If you used 100w on a market, get the upgrades as soon as you have the res to make it worthy.
3. Getting shrines on wood is often better than on food, as you're short on wood more often.
4. Get a rax up asap too. Had he rushed you you'd be in trouble :\ You can also get some yumis to harass him.
5. Nice raid

You will kill even more vills if you do a kind of hit n run too. I mean, you shoot and then you walk up closer, so that you can shoot more before the vills run away.
6. You always had tons of food. Manage your eco in order to get a bit more wood and coin to get consulate, ashis and market upgrades.
7. Gj at getting vills too.
8. You forgot about using smokescreen to keep the explorers safe, in the meanwhile you took a bit to keep vills and army production.
8. Before getting bushido principles at the consulate get another rax up first. You had enough res to spam ashis from two rax with no problems.
9. Ashis are good, but nagis win the game. Don't be afraid of getting cav asap. Ashis have a huge attack but they are even better when they have a meatshield.
10. No need for 4 shrines, ship daimyo next time.
11. You had no need to age up. Had you spent you res on ashis and nagi and you'd have won it earlier.
Fortress age
12. Heh, no nagis at all

For now, it works. But if he was a better aztec player, he would have outboomed you and spammed army at you with war dance.
GG mate, you handled the pressure pretty good while booming and you also managed harass him too. That's the way to play japs in my opinion

(Altho I'd be a bit more agressive and I'd manage to take him down even in colo :p)