Not bad, not bad at all. You played well, but there are a few things I noticed that you should think about doing next time.
-I couldn't help but notice that you never scouted his base. 20 mins into the game I was still waiting for your cav to pass through his base. Scouting could have saved you the grief of that first battle. Musks are almost never a good idea to start against China. And if you would've scouted his base early, you could've seen that longbowmen would have been a much better choice. Send your explorer into his base to see what he's making next time, it could change the outcome of the game.
-Several times he had vills out in the middle of nowhere, ripe for the picking. Raiding is a great key to winning a game, even one vill can make a big difference in the long run. Once again, you need to scout first, look for things like falling trees or dead animals in the fog of war, and then send in your cav.
-I already talked about how muskets aren't usually a good idea against China. If you would've started making lb from the beginning, I'm sure he would've resigned much earlier. Not only are lb better than most other early units, they are also fairly effective against small batches of cav. If he decides he wants to make more cav, then pikes are easily thrown in for the macro you already have set up.
-Make sure you micro your cav well. In that first attack you sent your cav straight into his pikes! Hussars have bad pathfinding to begin with, so make up for it with good micro.
-Watch your idles. Quite a few times I noticed you had multiple villies just standing around. Fishing boats were idle quite a bit as well. Just make sure you keep an eye on that tab in the top left corner next time.
-Your early strategy economy wise was great. Getting up those manors was good, so I really don't have much to talk about here. You did a nice job of keeping your vils safe when he came in to raid/attack.
-There's plenty of other things you did well, but those are the things I don't need to harp on as you obviously already know! I hope this helps!

-Jusitn Seabaugh-