KingKaramazov vs Asam
1st Lieutenant vs Captain
Aztec vs British
Painted Desert
Winner: KingKaramazov
I played this guy, asam, 3 times in a row in quicksearch, and won two out of three. He played as the Brits each time.
The first game was a pretty nice game with myself as Iroquois on Patagonia that unfortunately was not recorded. Basically he rushed me with longbows and I got to fortress and then beat him back with forest prowlers / crackshot and then raided him to death from there.
The second game I figured I'd try Aztec, and messed up pretty badly - I didn't send anti-cav soon enough and my army of maces / jags was beaten by hussars and that was that.
Third game I was Aztecs again, and that's what I'm posting now. Was a very close game, my score was lower than his pretty much the whole time, and at one point he has almost double the amount of villagers that I have. I seriously considered resigning and saying "I think that's enough of playing Aztecs." But in the end my military did the job.

I certainly did not play perfectly but I think it's a good watch. Only perplexing thing to me is why he made so many grenadiers...I suppose he figured they'd work well against Maces and at first I thought they would too but then it didn't really work out that way :-P .
edit: Oh, I just checked, this guy is PR 30 in TAD.