"I would now like to take a moment to talk about N3O clan. Last season they didn’t win a single game, and with one 1900 player that may stay the same. Regardless, they are a great clan. Skill does not make them a great clan, nor does tournament success. What makes them a great clan is the attitude of playing for fun no matter what and just going out to have a great time. Some excerpts from a short interview with StrokeyBlofeld, the clan leader and operator: “Although skill is obviously a large factor with a lot of clans, the foundations of N3O are based purely on attitude. Yes, we play competitively, and yes, it is nice to win, but if you don’t enjoy it win or lose, then it is a bit pointless.” “Ok, we lost every single game we played last season (as we expected), but to take part in it and play against some of AOE’s best players is fantastic. We really enjoy being a part of the league.” This attitude has caused N3O clan to gain my respect."