So what to do at start depending on crates/map/strat?
Iro has at least 200 W and 200 F + 1 or 2 random crates on most maps.
If you wanna rush, do you build a TP when starting with 300 W and use the travois for a longhouse?
if you start with 200 W + 100 G, do you build a market and research the hunting dogs upgrade?
Do you ever use the starting travois for a farm? (I've seen some good players use it) It offers hunting upgrades and a nice xp boost but doesn't fit in agressive games.
If 200 W + 100 F, do you keep the travois for a stables in age II? (and build a longhouse with vils)
Anybody tried fishbooming by using the travois as dock and the spare wood for fishing boats?
other options?