Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

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Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

Post by Tatltael »

okay so the name of the game is to get in your opponents face &disable them asap. of course if this doesnt work your deck will more than makeup for the unlikely event of a failed rush :D

necessary cards;

age 1:


age 2:

4/5 vills
9/10 mace
6 puma
5 coyote
3 warpriest

age 3: well in my experience it usually doesnt go this far, but

8 vills
10 coyotes
coyote upgrade card
eaglerunnerknight upgrade card
knight combat

other recommended cards:
coyote combat (age2)
land grab (age1)
ruthlessness (age3)
that card that gives you all farm upgrades for free (age3)

strat!: gather crates & herd hunts as usual. get a firepit up asap and set your WP to exp. dance. get to 15 villies 800 fd, and this is where you make the decision;

2 SK or fast age up.

i would recommend fast ageup against civs like russia, seeing as they will most likely rush, it helps to get your 1st shipment out (5 coyote) and run wild around their FB, hacking @ villies etc. 2 SK is more appropriate for slower rushing civs like japan, which will require abit more siege for the shrines, etc. if you happen to go the 2 SK route, you will usually have 450 waiting to use for your BB, the extra siege &high dmg. vs HI helps

during transition, keep 5 vills on food and 10 on wood. fwd 3 halfway across the map. as soon as you hit 250 wd, slap down that rax. be sure to keep an eye on your next 100 wood, so you dont house yourself :D *all new vills go to fd.

i usually ship 6 puma first to knock down the more than likely fb& and also be sure to switch your villies to a 3:1 food wood ratio so you can spam coyote >:] after 6 puma will come 10 mace

most of this is just obvious, but i think it helps to know villager ratios, etc.
this guide probably isnt well written :) if anyone has any questions or if i wasnt clear in some areas, let me know.

ill put a rec of this rush up tomorrow.

note: NOBODY LOOK @ MY ELO!! it dropped 100 points =) thats what i get for trying to make a new sioux B.O. in rated games.. but its actually working really well now. basically its just being able to spam cetan / AR at the same time right off the bat in age 2 which is more effective than one might think, maybe ill post a b.o. w/ a rec tomrrow
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Re: Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

Post by I__CHAOS__I »

thx man, I'm actually trying the same thing with the sioux, but non-rated lol

aztec have so many possible rush options but they all come down to clicking military shipments early on while trying not to get housed.
Try to gain a small advantage and dance out the WP's and win the next batlle with attack dance gg
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Re: Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

Post by huGGy »

Thanks for the BO. I thought about trying Aztecs, cause i've never played them yet. They seem interesting.
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Re: Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

Post by Tatltael »

some people like to get the 10 warpriest early, but i think its alot more beneficial to keep the WP on gift dance until you exhaust your age 2 military 4/5 villager cards, getting the 10 wp is time spent that could of been used to devastate your enemy
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Re: Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

Post by Tatltael »

i wanted to revise the transtion part of this guide, 4 vills food 11 wood! ive been playing around with it for the past couple of hours, i tried to get some recs but it was no good. i did get a couple of recs of me drugged up against deaconferal, the results were less than satisfactory, aside from that ill try to get a rec of this strat. up tomorrow. just trying to contribute :D

Re: Oh hey brutal aztec rush.

Post by Shizle »

It's appreciated Tatltael.
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