Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

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Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by Comadevil »

Just found on gr.org devised by Cookiecrisp13, haven't tried it yet how good it works, but at least somethinmg different to Ashigaru rush and aging up with Torii
Original can be found here: http://www.gamereplays.org/community/in ... pic=312384

Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer
Image Image Image
Welcome back to the newest installment of strategy, a little something I have been testing out in both team games and 1v1s. It is the Sohei allies Rush. Lets have a look:
11 Sohei Allies Image
A simple pikemen card it seems, for 500 gold. Too costly? Maybe. If used in the correct way, this card can absolutely shock your opponent. The stats:

Hitpoints: 140
Siege: 38
Attack: 13 (3.5 vs cav, 2.5 vs coyotes)
LOS: 12
Armor: 20% hand resist
Speed: 5
Cost from native: F-55, W-40 (45 gold from card)

These guys have some pretty nice siege. Lets compare that with a samurai:

Hitpoints: 230
Siege: 67
Attack: 25 (1.7 vs cav, 1.5 vs coyotes)
LOS: 16
Armor: 30% hand resist
Speed: 5
Cost: F–100 G-100

Those Sohei are 1/4th the cost of samurai, the Jap’s powerhouse sieger and fighter. Also they train pretty fast (or will once I hint you in on the SUPER SECRET way to get it faster)

The Consulate
This building here gives you several options all to great effect. I’m not too sure on the levels at which they are attainable.

Spain (lvl 40)- Spain is one of my favorite, one of my first choices early game. Why?
  • a slight xp trickle (.8 sec)
  • Merchant marine, which decreases the shipment time in half for all shipments (-50%)
Ports (lvl 0)- the bonus is a reduction in non-coin building costs (wood and food). This can lead to a faster age up at 640 food as well as a reduction in shrine cost to 108 wood.
  • Besterios are decent xbows for japs
  • Fishing boats for a better economy are always welcome
Isolation (lvl 0)- one to be reckoned with. Adds 10% attack (in all ways including siege) to your land units. A GREAT passive bonus indeed
  • Batch training in tens is great
  • a military rickshaw grants a stable or rax in need
Dutch (lvl 20)- a great economic faction, as the coin bonus is appreciated. Probably an afterthought after a failed or pushed back rush.
  • Bank is a great eco bonus
  • Church helps with LOS, Mercantalism, and unit train times
  • excellent military unit (6 stadhouders) even though you already have good musks ><
and there we have it, the consulate options for the Japanese!

One other item that is used here is the card Onin war, which increases the siege of all your units by a whopping 33%! Think of it as ransack for the Japanese.

okay… that was enough pre rambling, lets get on to the strategy:

Image Discovery Age
  • Keep all vills on crates until fully gathered all wood and food. Build a shrine and after that set one villager onto building a consulate.
  • Set explorers to gather every food, gold, wood, and xp treasure you can (I mean all the small ones, and medium ones). Emphasize wood if you don’t have enough for a consulate, after that look for gold and food.
  • send your first card, being Good Faith Agreements.
  • Your age up should be with the Shrine, and set around six villagers on it. Age with around ten villagers or less.
    Why? Because the shrine will help your crap economy recover from the fast age up, as well as provide 20 population slots for military. The 200 export is also one of the main reasons for this wonder.
  • while aging gather 500 gold and just enough food (if you can) to keep up constant villager production.
  • be sure to ally with spain, and set the consulate to a hotkey which is easily accessible.
Image Colonial Age
  • AS SOON AS YOU AGE UP select your hotkey and click the Merchant Marine (looks like the bottom of a ship going through water) upgrade. DO NOT SEND THE SOHEI YET! Wait until the upgrade is done, or it will have no effect on the shipment!
  • once you finish collecting gold, set half of your villagers on wood and half on food. You’re looking to get a barracks out and on the field.
  • Your first shipment in colonial should be 11 Sohei
  • With your next shipment, (should be soon, build some shrines or vills to get xp for it) ship Onin War
  • Send your Sohei in to your enemy’s TC to start sieging. Ally with isolation to allow your 10% additional siege take effect. Once onin war is in, your Sohei should have 50 siege!. Be carefull of minutemen- if you see them fall back and amass some yumi or ashigaru to compliment your army.
  • If you are rushing a native who has no minutemen or just hasn’t called any out, be sure to micro your Sohei. When the town center fires at an unharmed Sohei, select it and put it in cover mode, which will make it last an additional two shots. Continue to do this until the tc is torn down.
  • Next shipment should be economy, like four villagers
That’s all I have for now, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me add a couple notes of my findings:

-This works best on maps that give you a bit of extra crates (obviously) such as deccan. The treasures there are great also.
- Ill have some recs up as soon as I can, been busy lately
-This has also worked for me and my buddy in a sling type fashion, to moderate success
-If used properly, you can take down the tc under six minutes

well, thanks for reading, now go take down some tcs, Yoi!

Card order:
Good Faith Agreements
11 Sohei
Onin war
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by blayzer13 »

sounds interesting, lets hear how it works out for ya
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by djdan »

Good write up Coma, I like how it is set out, as pictures and everything in it, splits it up more so it doesnt look as much writing.

Hope it does well for ya buddy, if i start getting the hang of japanese i might start trying some of these out.
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by Comadevil »

[quote=""djdan""]Good write up Coma[/quote]

Well i didn't make it. As i said in the introduction it was made by Cookiecrisp13. I just transferred it here because this strat of Wacko (The Jam) is more or less a mess
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by severebeating »

[align=center]Be careful of minutemen- if you see them fall back and amass some yumi or ashigaru to compliment your army[/align]

I like this overall idea, but wouldn't this be an expected event?
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by Navarone_Guy »

Interesting. However, wouldn't it be best to send sohei twice before you send onin war...? And, I wonder why good faith agreements is so good. I'll have to look into it.

Good strategy, though!
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by djdan »

Yeah I didn't read the first paragraph, hell I didnt read the content, I just looked at the pretty pictures :D
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by StrokeyBlofeld »

[quote=""Navarone_Guy""]Interesting. However, wouldn't it be best to send sohei twice before you send onin war...? And, I wonder why good faith agreements is so good. I'll have to look into it.

Good strategy, though![/quote]

I think the good faith agreements speeds up your consulate shipments by a massive amount.......
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by Navarone_Guy »

Doesn't it lower the cost of the consulate relations by 75%? That's a total saved of 75 export, which is about 100-125 normal resources. I don't think the consulate is necessary so early in the game...
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by StrokeyBlofeld »

[quote=""Navarone_Guy""]Doesn't it lower the cost of the consulate relations by 75%? That's a total saved of 75 export, which is about 100-125 normal resources. I don't think the consulate is necessary so early in the game...[/quote]

From Bob's TAD card list:

(Good Faith Agreements)

Age 1 Level 0 ship once

Consulate armies and improvements arrive 50% faster. Improvements cost less, and brigade Shipments receive a moderate discount.

YPConsulateImprovement techs train 50% faster

YPConsulateImprovement Export -40% (Percent)

AbstractConsulateUnit train 50% faster

AbstractConsulateSiegeFortress train 50% faster

AbstractConsulateSiegeIndustrial train 50% faster

ypConsulateImprovementImperial cost = 2000 Export
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by Comadevil »

[quote=""Navarone_Guy""]Doesn't it lower the cost of the consulate relations by 75%? That's a total saved of 75 export, which is about 100-125 normal resources. I don't think the consulate is necessary so early in the game...[/quote]

This is another card, which also gives +300 export (Diplomatic Schemes (Intrigues)).
But the Good Faith Relation card seems to me appealing now also for big team games which get much more often to imperial.
In combination with the card red sigil ship and japanese allies in consulate u can lower the cost of aging to imperial to around 2000 gold (of course u get then no wonder), saving u 4000 food and 2000 gold.

worth of very early consulate
I think that depends on strategy
Luigi is also experimenting with early consulate, quote from AS
Luigi,Nov 19 2007, 12:05 AM wrote: im trying 300 atm, get port consulate from starting wood and send 300 w (need to gather 6w if you start with 300, with 200 you need to gather more and try to find a w treasure). can get quite some shrines early on (expecially if you send 300w twice in colo) and ageup + rax are cheaper too. its quite good imo, dont think anyone did it before =). i got some recs but ryan wont let me post them so i'll get some new ones :P
Asgard was also using very early consulate with ports as allies in a game vs Serge
http://agesanctuary.com/index.php?porta ... opic=97283

Well we have to see how it will develop
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by StrokeyBlofeld »

Yes, there are some good possibilities using an early consulate I think.
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Re: Japanese Onin Sohei Hammer

Post by blayzer13 »

oh yeah, i have seen an effective militia rush so why not a consulate rush =p
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