Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
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Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Yeah, I don't know the map-civ matchups. I'm just saying the experts do, and there's plenty to think about. Know your own civ first.
Don't try to memorize this stuff all at once, just think about the principles and refer to them as you begin to improve.
The Art of War is a book.
But I'm pretty sure you can find the text online.
Don't try to memorize this stuff all at once, just think about the principles and refer to them as you begin to improve.
The Art of War is a book.
But I'm pretty sure you can find the text online.
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Mentor/Mentee Review 5
Well I played horrible here.. I should have expected the Xbow spam vs. French ... Games like these are a disgrace and disappointing. :?
Well I played horrible here.. I should have expected the Xbow spam vs. French ... Games like these are a disgrace and disappointing. :?
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Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
LOL. Did you see the three eggs I laid a couple days ago?
I'll take a look, it probably wasn't as bad as you remember.
I'll take a look, it probably wasn't as bad as you remember.
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
K - so the Caesar mirror - some good stuff here.
Try to follow this, but what basically happens is he build a 6 villie lead on you, out-micros you in a crucial battle, and it's gg. Small early differences snowball.
1) He builds 2 shrines immediately (in map control spots); you build one and hang onto some wood
2) His shrines are on food, yours are on wood (for a bit, you switch after a while)
3) First card: he plays 2 shrines, giving him house room (right? are these houses?), map control, and .76 food/sec. You play 15% food card, giving you .04 food in your 1 shrine, and .12 food/villie, or about 1.2 food/sec at this point in the game. (note that at 6:30 - that will be roughly 240 extra food you will have collected, while at 6:30 that's 2 shrines of wood, houses, and bonus 175 food by 6:30 as well). See below on why I pick 6:30 as the time to measure
4) he ages around 2:55, you age around 3:32. The sum of the above differences is already around 40 seconds. Remember the exponential effect of time when troops are ready to be built? 2 minutes from now, you will have had maybe 40 seconds in age 2 compared to his 80.
5) he plays 4 villie, 5 ashi. you play 5 ashi, 5 ashi. He also builds 5 ashi (due to his lead), and therefore he takes a 4-villie lead on you right there. he builds the lead out to 6 villies by 6:30. b/c of your economy, you can't start first ashis, despite having a rax, until 6:11
6) snapshot at 6:30. He has 24 villies (16-0-7 food-gold-wood), 10 ashis, samurai, 4-5 ashis queued up, and 7 shrines. You have 18 villies, 9 ashis, 5 ashis queued up, 1 shrine, and 1 TP. he already has a significant eco lead, and he leads by a samurai.
7) you guys have a battle where you meet 5 ashis with 9 of yours. due to his micro (and all he did was pull the guy out that your guys were firing at - sometimes grabbing extras it wasn't perfect), he loses 3 while you lose 5 before reinforcements are showing on both sides. That sounds small, but as a direct result you lose your rax in the middle (go look and follow those ashis)
That's the last significant thing, b/c after that you are chasing from behind and it's GG.
I picked 6:30 b/c that seemed to be what he was after - get a constant rax flow going by 6:30 and go hit the enemy. That was his theme. His eco is peaking right then with enough stuff to keep that rax going, and his card picks seem to have peak benefit within about that time frame.
Your theme appears to be longer term. The 15% food card is not going to pay out until past 10 minutes or so. The TP may pay out earlier, but it caused delay in your aging time to the extent that you had to play 2 5-ashi cards rather than being able to play a 4-villie card. Villies collect enough resources to pay out 5 ashis in about 200 secs (+/-) so at 3:45 or so it pays off by 6:55 - pretty close to 6:30. As the second card in age ii - it won't pay off until close to 9 minutes or so, and that is probably why he played the 5 ashi as a second age 2 card.
If your theme involves a hard rush, the 5 ashi as the second age 2 card could be worth it, but I think you had to throw it in your case to merely play catch up.
Hope this helped.
I think there is a lot of opportunity here to see a great Japan player and how it all sort of comes together.
I think you should strongly consider the 2-shrine, 4-villie, 5-ashi card order b/c it seems to fit your style of slightly delayed rush while you figure out what the other guy is doing. Also, consider that everything age I should have the goal of getting to age II quickly, therefore a shrine is probably a better use for your wood than the TP in that age.
Try to follow this, but what basically happens is he build a 6 villie lead on you, out-micros you in a crucial battle, and it's gg. Small early differences snowball.
1) He builds 2 shrines immediately (in map control spots); you build one and hang onto some wood
2) His shrines are on food, yours are on wood (for a bit, you switch after a while)
3) First card: he plays 2 shrines, giving him house room (right? are these houses?), map control, and .76 food/sec. You play 15% food card, giving you .04 food in your 1 shrine, and .12 food/villie, or about 1.2 food/sec at this point in the game. (note that at 6:30 - that will be roughly 240 extra food you will have collected, while at 6:30 that's 2 shrines of wood, houses, and bonus 175 food by 6:30 as well). See below on why I pick 6:30 as the time to measure
4) he ages around 2:55, you age around 3:32. The sum of the above differences is already around 40 seconds. Remember the exponential effect of time when troops are ready to be built? 2 minutes from now, you will have had maybe 40 seconds in age 2 compared to his 80.
5) he plays 4 villie, 5 ashi. you play 5 ashi, 5 ashi. He also builds 5 ashi (due to his lead), and therefore he takes a 4-villie lead on you right there. he builds the lead out to 6 villies by 6:30. b/c of your economy, you can't start first ashis, despite having a rax, until 6:11
6) snapshot at 6:30. He has 24 villies (16-0-7 food-gold-wood), 10 ashis, samurai, 4-5 ashis queued up, and 7 shrines. You have 18 villies, 9 ashis, 5 ashis queued up, 1 shrine, and 1 TP. he already has a significant eco lead, and he leads by a samurai.
7) you guys have a battle where you meet 5 ashis with 9 of yours. due to his micro (and all he did was pull the guy out that your guys were firing at - sometimes grabbing extras it wasn't perfect), he loses 3 while you lose 5 before reinforcements are showing on both sides. That sounds small, but as a direct result you lose your rax in the middle (go look and follow those ashis)
That's the last significant thing, b/c after that you are chasing from behind and it's GG.
I picked 6:30 b/c that seemed to be what he was after - get a constant rax flow going by 6:30 and go hit the enemy. That was his theme. His eco is peaking right then with enough stuff to keep that rax going, and his card picks seem to have peak benefit within about that time frame.
Your theme appears to be longer term. The 15% food card is not going to pay out until past 10 minutes or so. The TP may pay out earlier, but it caused delay in your aging time to the extent that you had to play 2 5-ashi cards rather than being able to play a 4-villie card. Villies collect enough resources to pay out 5 ashis in about 200 secs (+/-) so at 3:45 or so it pays off by 6:55 - pretty close to 6:30. As the second card in age ii - it won't pay off until close to 9 minutes or so, and that is probably why he played the 5 ashi as a second age 2 card.
If your theme involves a hard rush, the 5 ashi as the second age 2 card could be worth it, but I think you had to throw it in your case to merely play catch up.
Hope this helped.

I think you should strongly consider the 2-shrine, 4-villie, 5-ashi card order b/c it seems to fit your style of slightly delayed rush while you figure out what the other guy is doing. Also, consider that everything age I should have the goal of getting to age II quickly, therefore a shrine is probably a better use for your wood than the TP in that age.
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Thanks for all the info..
Things seem to be getting better for me win wise, finally got up to 1700 ELO as of right now anyhow....
I have a couple of my rescent wins vs. a couple 1st Liet's I could post if you wanted..
Be nice if we could play some 1v1's together...
Thanks for all the info..
Things seem to be getting better for me win wise, finally got up to 1700 ELO as of right now anyhow....
I have a couple of my rescent wins vs. a couple 1st Liet's I could post if you wanted..
Be nice if we could play some 1v1's together...

Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Yeah, we should do that. I've got an 8-game 1v1 losing streak going on, so you should be able to take me. :-P Coaching helps, even if it turns out that I've unleashed a monster and you're better than me.
You should post a win or two. Let's focus on the one where you thought played well so we can look for improvement opportunities and also reinforce what you're doing well.

You should post a win or two. Let's focus on the one where you thought played well so we can look for improvement opportunities and also reinforce what you're doing well.
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Mentor/Mentee Review 6
Ok here's a win fresh off the Grill for ya
It's my Japan vs French 1st Liet..
I thought this guy was going to go typical xbow spam.. you can see how I would have expected this from an earlier loss I posted here also.. ::/
So I went stable first..But this guy wasn't typical 8O
Anyhow..I feel I did ok here.. one thing I have noticed is that I've been forgetting to build a market to research eco.. :idea:
Let me know the good and bad..
Thanks again Indy ... :mrgreen:
Ok here's a win fresh off the Grill for ya

It's my Japan vs French 1st Liet..
I thought this guy was going to go typical xbow spam.. you can see how I would have expected this from an earlier loss I posted here also.. ::/
So I went stable first..But this guy wasn't typical 8O
Anyhow..I feel I did ok here.. one thing I have noticed is that I've been forgetting to build a market to research eco.. :idea:
Let me know the good and bad..
Thanks again Indy ... :mrgreen:
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Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Bash - game 6.
I didn't have much time to spend on this one, but you did a nice job here. A few things, good and bad in no particular order.
1) your opening is MUCH stronger than it was before. Just a few tweaks, but they are making a big difference. using your wood for shrines, the 2-shrine card, and it looks like you're more comfortable
2) good job at raiding and keeping his head down
3) you had the big picture in mind holding the center hunts. although he ultimately got them, it was late (time is money) and after he had to build 2 mills
4) your cav gave you flexibility so it was good that you kept your army diverse
5) he was massing muskets early and you knew it, where were your yumi? just 10 yumi or so in an early battle there would have been big
6) you had 5 cards at the end???
7) good job keeping a level head when the raid hit your town
I didn't have much time to spend on this one, but you did a nice job here. A few things, good and bad in no particular order.
1) your opening is MUCH stronger than it was before. Just a few tweaks, but they are making a big difference. using your wood for shrines, the 2-shrine card, and it looks like you're more comfortable
2) good job at raiding and keeping his head down
3) you had the big picture in mind holding the center hunts. although he ultimately got them, it was late (time is money) and after he had to build 2 mills
4) your cav gave you flexibility so it was good that you kept your army diverse
5) he was massing muskets early and you knew it, where were your yumi? just 10 yumi or so in an early battle there would have been big
6) you had 5 cards at the end???

7) good job keeping a level head when the raid hit your town
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
well heres my 2 games figured id repost here.[align=justify]
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Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
I think I commented on that second game in the other post. I'll look at the first one when I get a chance.

I think I commented on that second game in the other post. I'll look at the first one when I get a chance.

Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
oh okay ty
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
art of war was a great book, it got slightly repetitive, i might re read it though,i last read it around a year ago
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Yeah, and "book" is probably a bit of a stretch. More like a list of concepts, each one of which probably deserves a chapter but you're left to work it out.
PS - found the text:
PS - found the text:
Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
Hi Indy..
I'm going to post here a couple of losses.
I seem to be having a problem with Japan mirrors.
Please give me some advice .. Thank you...
I'm going to post here a couple of losses.
I seem to be having a problem with Japan mirrors.
Please give me some advice .. Thank you...
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Re: Games for IndyBrit ~ Mentor Review
guys - I will look at these. Barb (wife) is out of town this weekend and I'm in the throes of an end-of-month hours crunch. Yes, lawyers have monthly cycles too. 8O Get any others you want posted and later this week I'll take a look.