Computer lagging

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Re: Computer lagging

Post by 36drew »

Okay, so I can play offline at lighting speed zero lag, but online the difficulties lie when I connect with others. Thoughts?
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by Sporting_Lisbon »

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Re: Computer lagging

Post by 36drew »

I don't know really. How can I check?
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by Sporting_Lisbon »

Try turning it off for a while and go and try to play a game online to see if there's any difference.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by djdan »

That could be a point, seen as you just installed new anti virus, it may have come with a firewall but you didnt notice.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by Comadevil »

Nevertheless i would reinstall the system, ur sysstem isn't secure anymore and make then a clean image with Acronis True Image, so u can restore ur system very easy after such crash.

I can help u via hamachi and UltraVNC (Remote Administration Help) if u want to help u getting the system running after u installed windows

Before u install windows i can look at ur system if u have components (esp. SATA) which can make problems, so u don't have them

But till friday i cannot help u because i am in Cologne at a Windows Server 2008 seminar.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by ruminator »

If you play offline ok, then I would suggest your ISP is creaking on bandwidth due to high usage - try the game again outside of peak hours and see if there is any difference.

If not, then I think you have a nasty on your system which kicks in when you attach to the internet. A full wipe/rebuild is what I did to clear this when it happened to me - it's not hard, just time consuming!
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by ertje »

You say you have payed 150 for an anti-virus. i suspect this will be norton or something. Now you also installed AVG and i dont know wich other spy and virus tools.

Try to uninstall ALL the anti-virus tools accept 1. If you have norton running, delete it... its heavy for you're system and with avg you'll do fine to+ you're system will be faster.

maybe install advanced windows care (google it up). and maybe hitman pro.
if youre pc is still slow after that... format and... make shure you have a copy!!!!!

good luck.

pm if you dont understand some things, i wont return to the topic to see you're questions.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by 36drew »

I don't understand a lot and it looks like a total reformat is going to be necessary. Not sure how i'm going to be doing that. I've gone through and made it so I only have AVG and and ad-aware as anti programs. The weird thing is that I do not lag when using firefox or IE.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by IndyBrit »

There could be several issues here. You mentioned errors - is your computer finding bad sectors? I've lost a couple of laptop hard drives and many of your problems sound like the hard drive death spiral. A format in that case will only delay the inevitable.

Are you running on a wireless connection? That can cause significant lag in the game, especially if anything is competing for your bandwidth like spyware or file sharing stuff.

You said internet explorer runs fine, but explorer is asynchronous and spurts of high speed with some lage are fine for browsing and won't be noticed as much. Check your system on, and especially look at your latency or ping time. Also, download something in the background (like, say a large adult file. lol) then run speed test again and see if your ping changes dramatically.

Check your anti-virus settings and make sure all the proper permissions are given to Ages. You may check with one of the more computer/network savvy guys (Strokey or shoot_bogey I think) to make sure that all those settings and port permissions etc. are proper. I'm not familiar with Norton specifically as I use Mcafee.

Finally, look at the network traffic on your computer and see if packets are being sent & received when you aren't doing anything online. Some hidden spyware can't be seen in the processes list but it will show network traffic if it is active.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by Comadevil »

Backup all necessary data on CD/DVD/external hard disk.

Use the install cd of WinXP and follow the instructions. Make sure during install that the hard disk gets formatted. It isn't very difficult. Make sure that u have ur product key before installing. Else there are tools to read the product key of ur current installation

Here u can look at it. It is almost the same as here, just when u have to choose the partition u have to selct that it gets formatted

And don't make this language stuff, that is only for arabian

Edit: If u had a trojan on ur computer, whioch wasn't detected initially, it is ALWAYS NECESSARY TO REINSTALL THE SYSTEM, because u really don't know what was done to the system. And i think there are still many virusses/spyware on the comp, else it wouldn't lag, if it hasn't lagged before and the configuration is still the same at home.
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Re: Computer lagging

Post by 36drew »

Since I had a couple of Trojans I guess I should reinstall the system then. I might be offline for a couple of weeks boys.
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