April Fools?

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April Fools?

Post by RascalJones »

On the radio this morning, our mayor Michael Coleman called in announced that Hillary Clinton had asked him to be her running mate. I do believe it is a big April Fool's joke. He's evidently a person that WOULD be considered an up-and-comer in the Democratic party, but why would anyone announce it this early?

Then there's the fact that Coleman hosted the (primary) election night party for Obama.

I think they got someone pretty good though. The person that calls in with the "Hollywood Report" seemed pretty taken in by it and was apparently going to spread the word.
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Re: April Fools?

Post by Roger_The_Rogue »

Well, I've just played a nasty April Fool joke on my boss this morning. :D As this is a very bad time to take leave (it is month end), I've sent him a sms at about five minute before he comes to work telling him that I got a very bad stomach bug and will be off for two weeks. LOL You should have seen his face when he rushs into my office while I was waiting coolly for him there. Pity I don't have camera with me. LOL

He has promised that he'll get back to me since then, but nothing so far. I am still watching out. :D
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