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N3O FP 1.3M Upload (Updated, Testing in Progress)

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:33 pm
by murdilator
Hello all!

For a brief explanation, this is the work we have managed to complete after a while.

We're all open for ideas. However, this is a part an open playtest before we upload it on

Note: You must be logged on to download the file.

New with 1.3z3M:


- 6 New, Historic Market techs added for Japan, which boost Markets, Trade, Fishing, and grant Export/XP

- 9 Monastery Upgrades added for Japan, boosting economic, Military units; Boosting Dojo Train time, granting XP/Export, granting more LOS, Faster Villagers

- Capitol Upgrade added for Japan; "Modern Army", boosting all Gunpowder units, Artillery and Ship attack and hitpoints.

- Ashigaru Cost 80 food, 35 Coin.

- Attribute bonus added: Japanese Fishing Boats gather Fish +20% faster, and cost -10% wood

- Funes cost -5% wood and Coin for Japan


- Industrial Mercenary Cards: cost reduced to 1700 coin

- Infinite Corsairs: reduced to 1000 coin, ships just 12 Corsairs (down from 2000 coin and 15)

- Fortress Age Highlanders and Corsairs Shipments: brought to 500 coin, 9 Highlanders; 10 Corsairs

- Mercenary Loyalty gives -5% Mercenary Coin Cost, -40% Mercenary Shipment Cost, grants 800 XP, and arrives in 30 seconds.

- Spanish Get Halberdiers now as well as Pikemen, and Royal Guard Upgrade for them. Affected by Cards, has Spanish Audio (Quatre***e is still available, but ships one-time halberdiers, which do not affect the Spanish Halb, except in appearance).

- Several new cards added for Spanish: Walloon Tercio, Italian Tercio, Swiss Tercio, and Light Cavalry Regiment. Each of these costs 500 coin and is available in Industrial Age

- Boosted Preussens Glorie (German Observatory Upgrade); it gives Musketeers more speed as well, and increased melee damage instead of increased overall damage.

- Great Elector of Brandenburg increases musket cost by +10% (up from +5%)

- Imperial Landsknechts removed from Tech tree

- Outlaws have a high build limit, but are cheaper, and slower training. Also, many Outlaws receive extra siege damage (especially Wokou Horsemen and Comancheros).

- Rebalanced some unit preferences between Britain/Russia/Dutch

- All Dutch Infantry Improvement Cards affect Pikemen, Halberdiers, Skirmishers, Musketeers and Grenadiers, but only give +10% Bonus to these units.

- Dutch Industrial and Imperial age up no longer give Musketeers +10% Combat.

- Found out that putting a unit as the first in the preference list makes the AI favour it more; this counts when there are more than 4 units on the list to choose from (thus don't put units you want trained at the bottom of a row, if ever possible).

- Will, God willing, update the patch notes to include the information

- Colonial Government brought back to 1000 coin

- AI kept at 1.45x handicap bonus for Expert (1.1x for Hard, 0.90x now for Moderate, etc.)

- Kamandaran Archers added to the Ottoman Civilization as a cheap, early skirmisher, much like the Crossbowman, except with a longer range, high rate of fire, but much less overall damage. They cost 40 food, 40 wood, 28 train points, have 90 HP, 0.30 Ranged Armor, 4.20 speed, 9 siege, 8 melee damage, 11 ranged damage, 2.0 ROF; 19 range, 22 LOS, and have 1.5x vs Heavy Infantry, with 2x vs Light Cav and 0.75x vs Cavalry. Upgrades: Veteran Kamandaran, Kamandaran Serden, Imperial Kamandaran, Infantry Breastplate. This unit is in its testing stages, and it already is very good; since it is cheap, it is easy to mass, and its longer range, with steady damage means that Ottomans can have more versatility in their engagements. It may or may not be given Guard/Imperial Upgrades

- Guard Longbowmen enabled for British

- Champion Tashunke Prowlers enabled at the Corral for Sioux; Tashunkes have a weaker Aura (+3% HP, +5% damage), but you can train more of them (15), and they have 200 HP. This unit needs some testing; Sioux in general needs testing; I'm trying not to break their original feel, and this, I admit, requires work from my part.

- Axe Riders kept at 150 food, 40 coin, 39 train points, 265 HP.

- Sioux Corral Bonuses removed.

Some notes:

- Fixed some bugs

- Added 29 new Homecity cards. They start researched, so you can put them in your deck even if you have a Lvl 1 Homecity. Including these are: 3 Horse Artillery (French), Artillerie Á Pied (French), Battalion des Voltigeurs (French), 6 Musketeers (Spanish, French), 9 Musketeers (Spanish, French), 6 Conquistadores (Spanish), 9 Conquisadores (Spanish), 4 Grenadiers (Ottoman, Russian, British), 6 Abus Guns (Ottoman), 3 Hussars (British), 5 Skirmishers (Dutch), 8 Azaps (Ottoman), 15 Azaps (Ottoman), 9 Azaps (Ottoman), 7 Hackapells (French), 10 Landsknechts (Spanish), Landsknecht Corps (Spanish), 9 Iroquois Allies (British), 14 Iroquois Allies (British), Hire 11 Swashbuckling Pirates (British, Dutch, French), Hire 8 Swashbuckling Buccaneers (British, Dutch, French), Hire King's Swashbuckling Buccaneers (13 Pirates, British, Dutch, French), Hire Buccaneer Assault Fleet (British), Mughal Army (India), Sikh Army (India), Rajput Army (India), Jat Army (India),  Marathan Army (India), Nepalese Army (India).

Again, All of these cards start in an active state, so that you don't have to purchase them to put them in your deck.

- Added Galliwat to India, a Galley that replaces the Caravel

- Added better attributes, such as Outlaw Population reduction for Ottomans and India

- Added 13 New Market Upgrades for Natives; 5 For Aztec, 4 for Iroquois, 4 for Sioux

- AI now upgrades these 13 Market Upgrades

- AI no longer upgrades Business Entrepreneurs (European Market tech), as it does not know how to handle Bank Wagons currently.

- Azap moved to Colonial Age; has Colonial Stats, and costs 60 food, 45 coin.

- Campaign-like Scenario with objectives added

- Pirates enabled always for Dutch/British, cost less population, and a tech after Wild West is added, Royal Buccaneers, which improves Pirates Combat, Siege damage, Speed and bonus vs Villagers. (Improved)

- Mercenary Contracts added to the Saloon, costing 200 wood, 200 coin, in Industrial, and making Mercenaries and Outlaw -2% Cheaper and -10% Train time for Infantry Mercs and All Outlaws

- Testing different multipliers for AI unit preference.

- Spanish AI no longer uses Native Warriors in its deck.

- Rodelero brought back to 2x vs Cav

- Several Technologies use new art files.

- Many small surprises that are left for you to find out

Some more info is in part of the Patch notes.

