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Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:51 am
by deadhanddan
for the past week , i have been hooked on viewing related articles and studying the the bizarre occult that is known as the Illuminati. at first i was taking in the info as a person who was a non believer and merely passing it off as  nothing more then hyped conspiracy theories to entertain me while bored....but after a short time i was not only a believer in this stuff actually existing - but also have become obsessed with identifying as many things as i can related to ''illuminati'' influenced media and items.

here i have a few videos that i have searched up on youtube which opened my eyes to this crazy reality. i urge anyone willing to to spend a few minutes to check these out and you can determine for yourself whether it is nothing more then paranoia or is in fact truth :

heres a video highlighting various hip hop artists clearly and openly displaying acts of homage to the devil in their music videos and live acts. as messed up as it sounds - it is happening , and it is today's youth who are emulating them.
Satanism In Hip Hop B.O.B. Nicki Minaj Beyonce Lady Gaga EXPOSED!!

here is a video showcasing the Disney movie '' Monster's Inc.''  supposedly displaying numerous illuminati , satanic , and mason symbologies in mass media for the purpose to brainwash children in the occult. the evidence is debatable , but can't ignore that so many coincidences keep happening over and over. worth a watch if you have children who view movies/media such as this :
9/11 Satan/illuminati in kids movie

here is one of many '' the truth may scare you '' videos that goes in depth just how far we as the people have 'fallen into the rabbit hole'. there are more then 12 ''know the truth'' videos  , but this one is a good example with relevant and fact based explanations  for what is actually happening right before our eyes and how the majority of us people are fooled by it.
The Truth May Scare You (Part 6)

here is a really good vid that i recommend viewing - a webcast of  Professor Griff : a hip hop artist and  activist dating back into the 80s with the infamous/legendary group Public enemy. an hour long interview featuring Griff explaining in detail step by step of who exactly the illuminati is , what they are doing and what is actually happening and what will continue to happen in not just only the entertainment industry - definitely an eye opener worth watching.
Public Enemy Professor Griff Full Interview

i know that this is one hell of a long post , but i wished to share this with you all.


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:09 am
by HeJurmhoanni
Gonna check these videos out when I'm bored. Maybe they are meant to be watched that way, they will give you the full effect when you're bored :o


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:15 am
by OppaKorea weekend with a beer in hand..I somehow started watching those youtube clips...The illuminati killed MJ...and the music industry..that the OK sign is actually 666..(never noticed that before)

The iluminati on MJ actually did make his videos make more sense though...

The one that always gives me the chills is the layout of Washington DC and all the connected art that goes with it...that I find spookie.

Transforming George Washington into a God....wth?!?!?


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:26 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Man I watched part of the Monsters inc one and seriously, give me a break. There are other more evident ones, like Niggas in Paris from Jay-Z and Kanye West, but I sincerely believe that it is more about the symbols looking cool than anything else.

Other than that, you can't deny the existence of masonry. I don't think it would be to weird for masons to use their symbols once in a while, don't we the christian cross, yin yang and budda everywhere? If masons are satanic or not that's a different question.


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:30 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
bit of "Old news" i'd say, it's getting more publicity in the last years. i remember lazy doing a joke about this (adding tags for the cia to scrutiny us)!


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:55 pm
by deadhanddan
i also heard things 'round the water cooler from time to time - but never payed it any mind until now really.

the thing is that you'd never hear about this on t.v. , its something that you have to go out of your way to actually find , with my case being seeing a related vid on the sidebar on youtube. i was looking up a vid about 'meat glue' that is used in meat processing plants and some delis and i came to some 'illuminati' vids by chance.

speaking of meat glue .... look that up - its pretty nasty imo  :-S


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:16 pm
by LaZy
Hey everybody. Hey DHD. Been a while.

Dan has recently taken the "red" pill. My most sincere congrats to him for doing so.

Remarkable how many people, world wide, continue to be in the "... I was taking in the info as a person who was a non believer and merely passing it off as  nothing more then hyped conspiracy theories to entertain me while bored..." category.

Dan I am the bearer of some really bad news. The unbelievable and horrid things that you have recently uncovered with regards to the music industry are just the tip of the iceberg. Its when you start finding yourself researching things like the Federal Reserve Act, fractional reserve banking, the money changers, the Rothschild´s, the Bank of England, Khazar warriors, Ashkenazi jews, Neo Cons, Zionism, Albert Pike and his Moral and Dogma, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatam House), Bilderberg group, protocols of the elders of zion, The Club of Rome, New World Order,  First name Club and what happened on Jekyll Island, Black nobility and the house of Winsdor, Bank of International Settlements, I G Farben, mossad, British East India Company (represented so very well in the AoE franchise) the Opium wars, the 13th tribe, why JFK and Abe Lincoln were murdered, French Revolution and how pigeons helped triple family fortunes overnight. How did They force the US to join not one but both World Wars.

These are just a few of the questions that I have been seeking answers for. I have done a shjt load of research on all of these matters as of late. With every questioned answered 5 more questions spring up.

Dan feed on your curiosity and use your own life experience to try and filter what is useful and documented reliable information and what is not. Seek and identify what I call speakers of the Truth. People like Eustace Mullins (from whom I ordered 6 books just last week - all 1st editions btw), Alan Hart, David Irving, Jack Otto to name but a few people that ended up dedicating their entire lives into finding out what "really" happened.

Dan do not ask people to believe what you have found. Instead ask that they refute, logically and with proof, what it is that you belief you have found. Allow for debate. Make sure you continue your own path, without ever forgetting why you embraced this journey in the first place. It is very easy to loose this notion as you descend deeper and deeper into a realm that has been patiently brewing for centuries.

Never forget that his greatest trick was to make us believe that he doesnt exist. The world is full of Luciferians. We all shake hands with them daily. We all hear and see them every time we turn on the TV.
