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DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:25 am
by deadhanddan
last friday 6/29/12 , Ohio and several other U.S. states were hit with a very nasty storm that leveled much of every state it hit. over 3 million w/o power , structural damage to infrastructure and mass damage to mother nature , people dead , and all of this on top of the hottest heatwave for this time of year ever. this thunder storm was basically a hurricane on the mainland , it  had straightline winds of up to 85+ MPH. i was on my porch and saw it rip through my neighborhood and let me tell you it was something straight out of a movie - never will be able to forget it or the damage it caused right before my eyes. 100 year old trees over 100 feet tall were ripped out of the ground and slammed into the ground like ragdolls.  so much property damage from trees slamming into cars , houses , even people. electrical fires caused by downed lines were common , as well as from the excessive heat. one woman here  in Ohio was even crushed under a barn that collapsed on top of her from the winds , and so many personal and public losses that it will be a record destruction in the dozens of billions of dollars - and this is just for Ohio ! no telling how much damage in total they is from all the other states that were hit as well. me and 990,000+ other Ohioans were forced to throw out all our food from are refrigerators and suffer through 95+ degree days without A.C.  on the eve of our 4th of july celebrations :*(

just got power back on 7/03 , was out for basically 5 days o_O my mom who is only 12 minutes drive from me won't get power back until sunday at the earliest....

rascal's area of Columbus (suffered alot of damage and with over 200k+ w/o power

Obama declared Ohio and several other states were national emergencies and ordered crews to help from as far as away as Texas. some people won't even get power back for a whole more week big gigantic mess

to all the N3O'ers here who went through this like Rascal , Murdilator, and myself - my prayers to you and your families - i hope you made it through it unharmed and hopefully cooled and hydrated. was trully something you people would have to see to believe to understand what just happened in the wake of a freak 10 minute storm that could cause so much damage in so little time.

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:08 am
by Frits
thats why you shouldnt build your houses from wood every time.

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:45 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
Frits wrote: thats why you shouldnt build your houses from wood every time.
eh.. are you serious?
i really hope everybody of you guys made it out well. ever since that hurricane katrina the U.S. is afflcited by natural catastrophes.
thanks for the information dan

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:29 pm
by Soccerman771
This is why the news media over here sucks.  What these people go through is news.  It's pain, suffering and hardship.  Obamacare, while legislative is not news over that.  People in Ohio need help NOW!  I've barely heard of this and didn't know so much help was needed.  Now I'm propelled to see how I can help.

Best wishes and prayers to you and all Ohioans, Dan, Rascal, etc.

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:16 pm
by deadhanddan
thanks Aaryn , Soccerman.

yeah , alot of people here in Ohio have homes that are 100% run on electric : meaning that they don't even have running water if they are in a blackout. the elderly and infirm have been the hardest group hit. no power for any devices needed to help them live like for example : breathing apparatus' , or even power to open pharmacies so they couldn't even get medications. it took me over a day to locate a place where i could get an adapter for my car to charge up my phone. most homephones nowadays are all electric so homephone lines were useless and cellular phones only way to communicate. but many towers were damaged and inoperable , and the few towers up and running were overflooded with desperate people looking for any bit of information they could find trying to make sense of it all.

on saturday for example , i had to spend 47 minutes on the road just to get some gas for my car , another 22 minutes to find a working ATM to withdraw money , another 10 minutes to find an area not sold out of ice,water, and edible food , then another hour and half driving back home. i put more then 400 miles on my car past 4 days just driving to get gas and

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:52 pm
by joe4holly

Looks nasty , Hope you all fine and get back to normal soon.

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:09 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
Good to know you're safe Dan.

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:18 am
by DutchNvG
Frits wrote: thats why you shouldnt build your houses from wood every time.
It really is not that easy Frits .....

I hope you all are doing very well!

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:06 pm
by Shizle
Yikes, that's rough.  I'm in MA and haven't heard anything about it.  My news source is Google News and I didn't see anything about the storm.  As Soccer said, the media just plain sucks. 

The split of Tom Cruise and whats her name blotted out the sun for a few days.  That tells  you a lot...

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:28 am
by 36drew
Damn! Glad to hear your are okay! You and your family have been through so much.  Thinking of you and them.

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:48 am
by jerom
Hope everything will be like normal ASAP !

Re: DHD > Torrential wind storm

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:39 pm
by HeJurmhoanni
oh man, that's rough!

I haven't heard about this either...

oh well, I hope everything ends up well! I'm cheering for you!