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Re: Hot air - Starcaft 2

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:54 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
wicked_assassin wrote: k i have found the solution i think. Allow me to enlighten you.

My processor came with the program: Intel turbo boost.

I'm not that into ICT, but apperently it can overclock my cores. You can disable (well more avoiding that it works) it easly by changing in the powermanagement the proccesor max usage to 99%. This apperently avoids that turboboost kicks in.

Im not certain if this is the case, but the results speaks for themselfs.

My temprature in windows,etc.. stayed around 50 - 55°C. While playing starcraft the air coming out of my vent was warm, but enjoyable warm. The max temprature of my 4 cores was 74°C en 73°C.

Performance stayed the same (i think)
yes turbo boost auto-oc the cores of your cpu. it's a nice feature for more performance, but if it causes too much heat on your machine, feel free to disable it.
now your temps are fine(for a laptop)

as a comparison, look at my machine: my cpu temps are 41°C while playing sc2 8)

Re: Hot air - Starcaft 2

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:18 pm
by wicked_assassin
My dear german friend, wicked has a pc who is like wicked -> a HOT one 8)