Help with Comp Startup time.

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Help with Comp Startup time.

Post by BashUgood »


I was wondering if anyone knows how I can shorten the amount of time it takes for my comp to startup.
I remember seeing a program on t.v. that showed how to eliminate some of the non-essential programs/task at startup, but I don't remember any of it since this wasn't a problem back then.

Anyone have any info on this ?

Thank you... BUG
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Re: Help with Comp Startup time.

Post by Comadevil »


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Re: Help with Comp Startup time.

Post by djdan »

i dunno how to getrid of things with the computer starts, but I tend to leave my comp on Hibernate, it switches the computer off but before it does, saves what your desktop was like if you get me, say you had an internet site up then hibernate, when you start your comp again that internet browser will still be up when it loads, it also stops all the annoying start-up things at the beginning.
To do it, not sure if american computers are different but go to the little turn off screen(if XP) where it says Stand By, Turn Off and Restart, hold Shift then press H and it will hibernate, give it a try.
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