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playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:54 am
by deadhanddan
last year ( September ) i was #1 in my silver division and constantly playing gold league members and winning a fair share of the matches

fast forward to now , and bronze league people are now giving me the same run for my $$$ as did the previous gold leagues...

in the year+ i took off from SC2 , the skill levels of SC2 players changed remarkably - enough so that bronze league is comparable to last year's gold and so on

i recently posted a game here @ N3O that honestly is one of the better games i've ever played , much more so than my previous stints on ladder  5822/crazy-taldarim-altar-1v1/

so my question to everyone is this :  how has SC2 and the level of competitiveness changed for everyone in the various leagues..... if bronze can be comparable to last years high silver/gold , what of platinum-diamond-masters ????

i am curious to how everyone views this - i have been genuinely intrigued by the change of pace in this game's evolution

- Dan

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:42 pm
by Bart332
lol noob  :D

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:46 pm
by deadhanddan

SC2 BN is becoming like iCCup ..... plagued by low ranked APM monsters who've memorized 30,000+ build variants

the ones new to SC2 i envision will rage quit many matches out of frustration

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:03 pm
by Andre_1993
since i became a bit better i´ve been playing in diamond.. and im still there, so my skill might have changed throug the time as well.. but a mate stopped for a while and started again.. before he was pretty strong diamond player and as he started again he got placed into high gold and needed a while to get promoted to platin.. so the skill of each league got better !

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:11 pm
by HeJurmhoanni
I feel like I've steadily been improving, but my rank has stayed about the same. Some of it might be because I've started to have extended breaks from sc2 recently, because of other games I've gotten into.

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:34 pm
by jerom
I have about the same. Diamond players from 7 months back seem as good as platinum players nowadays. Ive been improving a bit but I havent been playing constantly at all due to aoe3 :D

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:49 pm
by Comadevil
It is not only about improving or skill level is getting higher.

It is also about people leaving the game, though my assumption is also here that more low leaguers leave the game then mid or top leaguers.
The leagues are so arranged that every league has 20% of current active players except Diamond with 18% and Masters with 2%.

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:12 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
i'd like to plant a huge Captain Obvious here, but i chose not to.
of course the skill level rose, half a ear ago i sad, diamon last year is like gold this year. the noobs quit and only people who are willing to play are still playing. no noob is gonan start sc2 now, who never heard of the game before. everybody who has/had a slight interest in sc2, is already playing or played.
i'm glad, higher skill level means more fun for the top end player and it is just a natural thing to happen.

a gold leaguer from last year couldn't even use hotkeys, now even silver level players have the basics narrowed down.
plat=complete noob is not true, platinum is like master seargeant to 1st lieutenant level in aoe3

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:29 pm
by jerom
Woot im better in aoe3..Skill levels in aoe3 have decreased though, captain from nowadyas = 1st lt from back when sc2 wasn't released yet :D

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:44 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
jerom wrote: Woot im better in aoe3..Skill levels in aoe3 have decreased though, captain from nowadyas = 1st lt from back when sc2 wasn't released yet :D
well sc2 is still new, wait 3-4 years.. their bronzies will own our masters from nowadays ;) (skillwise ofc, metagame can't be compared
also aoe3 skill level hit rock bottom rofl. people who i used to beat are pr 38+ now^^ and aoe3 rating system sucks, you can droptrick, chose your matchups, pointtrade etc.

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:51 pm
by GrEaTeR_KnArLoC
Back before the summer i was master in 1v1 and never played diamonds 1v1 ever.

Fast forward 15-16 weeks and I haven't played more than 2 or 3 1v1s on the NA server. I'm now 8-5 in master's league in season 4 and have faced 3 top diamonds already >_>

So i guess the skill level did rise.

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:36 pm
by huGGy
Aaryn_GenD wrote:
plat=complete noob is not true, platinum is like master seargeant to 1st lieutenant level in aoe3
Really? Damn it, felt better when i played in Platinum League than Mst. Serg level :P

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:38 am
by Aaryn_GenD
HuggyPierre wrote:
Aaryn_GenD wrote:
plat=complete noob is not true, platinum is like master seargeant to 1st lieutenant level in aoe3
Really? Damn it, felt better when i played in Platinum League than Mst. Serg level :P
maybe a bit of an overstatement, but i ugess master seargeant should be gold then. not saying an aoe3 master sergeant is as skileld as an sc2 gold player! i'm comparing the games to themselves, not to each other.

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:39 pm
by jerom
I think aoe3 and sc2 are a bit too different skill wise and in terms of learning facilities. Technically people learn different and the people that learn very well from replays and casts are generally favored in sc2 compared to someone who learned more from reading things and trying himself and asking pros, who was basically favored in aoe3.

Re: playing levels...

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:05 pm
by froggyman
I took a two month break and went from master league to platinum T_T.. im now back in top 8 diamond playing vs some master but its taken a while ...