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N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testing)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:55 pm
by murdilator
The N3O FP is finished.

Here are the updates in general, but some of the small extras concerning precise unit stats are covered in the whole patch notes. (Note that there is some weird glitch at the end of the patch notes, where it does not display some Mercenary balance, Healer Balance, Bug fixes, or Miscellaneous stuff).

Here is the link to the file download: ... ileid=3122

What's new? You can see at the download link or just read the following below.


- Installation Guide clarified. Sounds for new units added

Map changes:

- Great Lakes map size increased by 40%.

- Prarie Rivers map size decreased by about 20%.

New on Balance/Gameplay:

- Warships have been further tweaked, having European and Asian Warships have +50% HP, +6.0 Range and +4.0 LOS for Short-ranged warships (Caravels, Galleons, Galleys, Funes, War Junks, etc.), and slightly cheaper Canoes. Also, the Ironclad has been further greatly improved. Details in the patch notes.

- Santander Revolution Politician: now ships 2 ****ates (down from 3 Ironclads) and 1 Factory Wagon.

- Legendary Techs added for Canoes, War Canoes, and Tlaloc Canoes.

- Cards that boost Warship performance slightly nerfed. Offshore Support card and European Cannons card now also affect Monitors.

- Water Dance Card: name changed to 'Canoe Fleeting,' effect changed to give the Canoe unit +20% hitpoints and +10% speed (instead of enabling Water Dance at the firepit).

- Artillery have more range and do much more damage, but retain about the same damage against ships, buildings or other artillery. Also, heavy artillery, such as Heavy Cannons, Great Bombards, Rockets, Li'l Bombards and Flying Crows, have a build limit of 7, 8 or 9.

- Rocket Shell movement speed doubled.

- Fort and Agra Fort ranges properly increased to new artillery range (28). (Colonial Agras have 24 range still, but get +4.0 with the Delhi Gate upgrade. )

- Some new naval techs added. They include "Seasoning," "Naval Gunners" and "Stolen Cannons."

- Chinese Fireships and SPC Fireships made much more realistic, and much slower.

- New Tech added: Ironclad Warship. This is available in Imperial Age at the Capitol, (only for Europeans), costs 2 Homecity Shipments, and Delivers 1 Ironclad. Available only if you have a water homecity gathering point. This can be upgraded even if the enemy has placed a blockade on your homecity.

- Town Center Anti-ship attack increased back to 100 (up from 75).

- Docks now heal twice as fast (to help with increased Ship HP), and have their anti-ship attack increased to 25 (up from 15).

- New Tech added: Colonial Government. This is available at the Capitol in Imperial Age, at 1000 wood, 1000 coin, and gives +20 Extra Population Cap. The Sioux and Iroquois have the same tech under the name of "Tribal Confederacy," available at the Town Center in Imperial Age; the Aztecs have it as well under the name of "Provincial Government," available at the Town Center in Imperial Age, and the Asians have access to the same tech, at the Town Center, "Colonial Government." Do note that the European/Native/Asian versions of this tech look differently as techs (they have slightly different pictures from each other in the backround). Now properly added to Post-Imperial Techs.

- Several Bug fixes, and some in audio.


- Germans start with 4 Settlers and 1 Settler Wagon (instead of 3 Settler Wagons).

- Shipment penalty reduced to 8% (down from 10%)

- Have access to Musketeers in Industrial Age. Veteran Musketeers starts upgraded, and Guard and Imperial Upgrades enabled. Socket Bayonet also enabled.

- Tilly's Discipline Tech now also gives Ranged Infantry +15% damage. (Lategame balance).

- Wallenstein's Contracts now give -50% for Mercenary Shipment and Research Points.

- TEAM Hessian Band Card: effect increased to give 7 Jaegers (up from 5).


- Strelets are now properly affected by Russian civ bonus: Strelet Block cost reduced to 375 food, 75 wood (down from 375 food, 100 wood), and receive -25% train points from the beginning of the game. With all upgrades and training cards, they are once again instant training.

- Villager train points reduced to 50. Russian Villagers are now properly affected by Medicine and TEAM Medicine Techs.

- TEAM Dueling School Card: effect increased to give -15% train points for infantry, -15% for Old Han and Territorial Armies, -8% for the rest of the Chinese Banner Armies (instead of -10% train points and +5.0 Infantry LOS; original card in TAD 1.03 gave -25% Infantry train points, which was OP).

- Oprichnik siege attack reduced to 50 (increases to 60 in Fortress because of Veteran upgrade)


- Millet System Tech: now available in Discovery Age once again (instead of Colonial Age).

- Mosque Construction Card: now gives Mosque techs -50% cost, but still gives Tufanci Corps and Topcu Corps Techs just -33% cost.


+1 Starting Villager

- New Big Button Tech: Order Of the Prophet. This is available at the firepit in Fortress Age after researching the Firepit 'Secret Society' Tech. It costs 200 wood, 200 coin, and gives the Warchief +50% HP and Attack. 'Order of the Prophet' tech has been properly added to Post-Industrial Techs and Iroquois Old Ways Shipment.

- New Big Button Tech: Algonquian Tomahawk Lore. This is available at the firepit in Industrial Age after researching the 'Order of the Prophet' tech. It costs 350 wood, 350 coin, gives Tomahawks and Mantlets +15% HP and Attack, and gives the Warchief +15% HP and +15% hand damage. 'Algonquian Tomahawk Lore' tech has been properly added to Post-Industrial Techs and Iroquois Old Ways Shipment.


+1 Starting villager

- Wakina Rifles now have 4.20 speed like other skirmishers (up from 4.0).


- TEAM Sawmills Card: effect increased to give +15% wood gathering rates (up from just +10%).


- Flail Elephant armor increased to 0.40 (up from 0.30).


- Carronade ****ate added into Scenario Editor units. It is a Short-ranged warship armed with devastating cannons, and has audio.

- V1 Rocket Launcher added into Scenario Editor units. Launches V1s for great effect. NOTE: This unit does have a minimum range.

- "King's Hill" in the King of the Hill Games can no longer be deleted.

- Advanced Hot Air Balloons can no longer be deleted.


Sincerely yours,



Re: N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testin

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:58 pm
by murdilator
Quick bug fix with my coding concerning falconets done. They now have 0.75x against Artillery. If you downloaded the file, re-download it.

Re: N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testin

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:05 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
As a hardcore Iro player I appreciate your work very much :)

Re: N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testin

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:51 am
by murdilator
Thanks Sporting! I love them as well!

Re: N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testin

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:21 pm
by murdilator
Also be happy to note that I have coded a Version of the N3O FP into Vanilla. This has all the FP 1.2 changes with it as well that were relavent into Vanilla. That means, as soon as I get it done you guys can also play FP on Vanilla, as far as I can get the changes, on rated games. I have not coded Warchiefs yet, as there seems to be some problems with changing the proto and techtree files.

Just a note!



Re: N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testin

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:25 pm
by jerom
thats just awesome :D

Re: N3O FP1.3h Released - (needs online compatability testin

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:49 pm
by murdilator
I am making a quick update soon as I left Elephants a little neglected; Cannons will get a 0.80x against Elephants.

EDIT: File Updated and Full Patch Notes added onto the post.

Also, Chinese Iron Flails will get a bit more damage, Sufi War Elephants will be a bit better and more costly, Mahouts will start with only 0.65x against Heavy Infantry, Honored Mahout will give +50% damage and +30% HP (instead of +30% HP and damage and +0.15x bonus against HI), Exalted Mahout will give +50% HP ad +80% damage. Chinese Fireships will do 0.5x against Docks, and Ironclads will have 1.25 ROF (instead of 0.85). I have fixed some bugs with the Colonial Government improvement as well.

May boost Great Bombards damage against cavalry a little bit to be in line with other Artillery. Also may fix Cavalry Trample attack, perhaps making Cavalry have a 2x bonus against Infantry and a 0.5x penalty against Cavalry in Trample Mode.

