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Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:14 am
by Aaryn_GenD
Fast Protoss All-In

Copied this strategy from a ladder game a couple of months back. It's very strong against standard play, especially vs Terran and vs other Protoss, vs Zerg not so much. It can beat the Marine SCV-Allin too.
2 Gate Zealot pressure, i dunno, it'll work perhaps.

I did this strat vs drew's zerg today, i messed up the build which as a consequence failed hard but don't write this strat off, give it a try
i did some other games, vs gendarme, vs other players and vs the AI :P
i also messed up by ending up having a stalker trapped between buildings...

The start is simple, yet effective.
The build doesn't look too different from standard play, but you get everything faster.
If people don't know how to read the time when they scout you, they won't even see it coming.
Our aim is to get 5 stalkers to our opponents base by 5:25ish, at 5:15 you have exactly 5 stalkers if you did the build right, which is quite a good early force. Stalkers are fast, have shields and thus are a great harass unit.

8/10 Pylon (don't build any probes until you warped in your Gateway)
8/10 Gateway Scout now if you seem it's necessary
9/18 resume probe production and Chronoboost it right away
10/18 Assimilator (when finished, put 3 probes in it)
12/18 Cybernetics Core
From here on, cut the probe production
12/18 2nd Gateway
When the Cybernetics Core is finished, research Warpgate tech and Chrono Boost it continuously. Scout now if you didn't before
12/18 1st Stalker
14/18 2nd Stalker in Gateway No. 2
16/18 3rd Stalker in Gateway No.1
16/18 proxy Pylon
As you play along, always Chrono Boost the Cybernetics Core so the Warpgate Tech finishes in time
18/26 Warp in 2 Stalkers at your proxy pylon, which make a total of 5 Stalkers
Immediately Chrono Boost the 2 Warpgates, when they are ready again warp in 2 additional Stalkers
Build a Pylon in your base and resume probe production

At this point, you can do whatever, but be sure to use the Stalkers to their potential.
In my games, i neglected scouting, but you shouldn't. After you've planted your first or your second Gateway, scout your opponent, especially on 4 player maps to see on which position they spawned.

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:40 am
by froggyman
prettty easy to scout though.. T just needs a bunker and P a sentry :/

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:14 am
by jerom
And z loses ? :D

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:03 am
by Aaryn_GenD
a sentry will just help you for 15 seconds, and then? :-P
and nah the bunker puts t at a disadvantage, and he has to repair it nonstop while you can micro your stalkers to only get your shields damaged a bit.

in your examples this push can be defended, but it will make your opponent waste his resources on the defense of this, and you are free to boom to get back the vill count and harass him whenevre you can

@jerom no Z just makes lots of lings and defends this easily ;-)
same happened in ace vs moon, albeit AcE didn'T go my start but just went fast blink stalker

and btw i just saw a pro replay of Socke vs someone else where this strat was used:
so you can clearly see that even in the higher leagues it can be useful ... 10309/5918


Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:59 am
by huGGy
Can be useful, though the guy who tried it lost :P. If everything works perfect it might be useful, but one small slip and you are pretty much done.

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:11 am
by Aaryn_GenD
[quote=""HuggyPierre""]Can be useful, though the guy who tried it lost :P. If everything works perfect it might be useful, but one small slip and you are pretty much done.[/quote]

on lower leagues this strat will crush everybody ;-)
not everyone can adapt as well as Socke to the situation
it beats the 4 gate like nothing else, and 80% of the toss players do 4gate, go figure

the game was an EPS game, so you can be sure these guys did their best

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:16 am
by froggyman
Isnt this the artosis 3 stalker push to counter 4 gate anyway?

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:25 am
by Aaryn_GenD
you attack with 5 stalkers so i don't think it is.
i also doubt he would make 8 pylon 8 gateway

i think the variant you mean is just slightly faster than 4gate, to perfectly counter it with a faster force
this is a complete all-in actually, 12 probes at 5:30^^ lol

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:07 pm
by jerom
Eco overrated :D

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:15 am
by Aaryn_GenD
ok i tested this strat a couple of times now and got to following conclusions:

if scouted and fought off properly, you lose, especially a terran who knows how to defend with bunkers.

but if your opponent goes standard start (the "eco" starts without FE), they can't hold this.

Re: Fast Protoss All-In

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:01 pm
by LaZy
Ive started 2 try something similar 2 this in my 4v4´s.

Instead of stalkers Im doing zealots and only vs other protoss! Results are good when the allies help b4 the enemy´s allies show up.
