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2010 VS 2011

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:58 pm
by LaZy
right people lets get our fingers tapping those keys...

looking back,

a) what did u really enjoy about 2010?
b) what didnt really work out for u
and c) new year resolutions


Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:51 pm
by 36drew
In 2010 I learned that it's always better to take the highroad -- it pays of long term. I had some personal relationship problems with a friend and stuck to the high ground and eventually he came back apologizing to me. I also learned that having self-respect is very important. At work I learned that utilizing people around me is very helpful -- re-inventing the wheel at every turn is to laborous.

For 2011 I plan on learning more about investing, stock markets (emerging markets in particular), and money sense in general. I also would like to break the 20:00 minute mark in a 5km run. I've been running lots lately and it would be a nice goal to see.

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:22 pm
by joe4holly
^ I cant even run 2000m in 12 mins , but I used to do 100m in about 13 ish secs.

2010- never have to go do fing school again =D
2011 - I wish to be able to drive 8O

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:51 pm
by Blackadderthe4th
2010 - liked getting a job which I enjoy doing and meeting lots of cool new people. Also really liked getting my bike de-restricted :P

Disliked finishing uni and not being a lazy student anymore but the above has made it less painful.

2011 resolutions- would like to continue to work on exciting new projects, and go to s25 2011 in Vegas ;)

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:09 am
by jerom
In 2010 I joined N3O, I must say, that was a good decision :D
I disliked the 4th year of school, because I'm not having classes with my best friend that often, and because I have to work harder.
In 2011 I'd love to have even more fun than I have atm.

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 am
by huGGy
2010: Mexico, S25 in Portugal and finally start to work in school in August were great aspects about 2010.

2011: Brazil, S25 somewhere else and passing my final exams in work are the goals i've set up.

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:04 pm
by Wetmelon
For 2011 I plan on learning more about investing, stock markets (emerging markets in particular), and money sense in general.
Commodities futures are good right now. I'm up 198% since August :)

2010 taught me that building and driving race cars is a lot of fun :D ... hkqPuyBkAM

But it should also come AFTER work :(

2011 I would love to get a job I really enjoy. And maybe a lady friend :P

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:30 pm
by ckei
in 2010 I finished school
2011:ending army service,continue with my norma life.start uni

new years resolution.hmm tricky one.but I guess I will try to keep myself in good shape

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:39 pm
by StrokeyBlofeld

Buying and doing up a house. Awesome
SC2. Awesome
S25. Double Awesome


Not sure really, giving up bad habits, getting into shape, finishing the house, and a long list of other stuff too!

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:01 pm
by joe4holly
[quote=""StrokeyBlofeld""]finishing the house[/quote]

not sure if that can be done.

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:25 pm
by Soccerman771
a) I did so much stuff that it's hard to single one thing out. I'd have to say S25 in Portugal and meeting such great people IRL is probably on top of that though.
b) Money situations (just like 3/4 the world), but nothing major and nothing that can't be recovered.
c) I don't really do New Years Res's. However, mine is similar to Adam's - I want to take another 5 mins off my 5K time. I'm currently just under 27 mins down from 31 mins a month and a half ago, and I've just now started take these things seriously since high school which was over 15 years ago. The other is to run a 10K by the end of the year.

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:06 am
by 36drew
^ Glad to see we have another runner in the house!

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:59 pm
by LaZy

Im also a runner! I run 2 the fridge 2 grab beer at least 5-6 times a day in between games! Jim does it 2. We often even compete with 1 another. PLUS I have stairs which means that I run and do stairs at the same time. If u dont include breathing then thats like hhmmmm... two things that I do very frequently. Im a real athlete. Any1 that has been 2 the S25 and has seen me knows this 2 b true.

And dont think 4 a second that my running skills are always directed 2wards food and beverages, quite the opposite. Even yesterday after having devoured my lamb Vinadaloo I ran 2 the bath/rest room as quickly as I could in order 2 get the nasty poison back out again. I barely made it since my trousers/pants were still clean, unlike my boxer shorts.


Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:18 am
by froggyman

Im also a runner! I run 2 the fridge 2 grab beer at least 5-6 times a day in between games! Jim does it 2. We often even compete with 1 another. PLUS I have stairs which means that I run and do stairs at the same time. If u dont include breathing then thats like hhmmmm... two things that I do very frequently. Im a real athlete. Any1 that has been 2 the S25 and has seen me knows this 2 b true.

And dont think 4 a second that my running skills are always directed 2wards food and beverages, quite the opposite. Even yesterday after having devoured my lamb Vinadaloo I ran 2 the bath/rest room as quickly as I could in order 2 get the nasty poison back out again. I barely made it since my trousers/pants were still clean, unlike my boxer shorts.


What a baller xD

Re: 2010 VS 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:48 pm
by jerom
I must say walking stairs is pretty exhausting, I can't walk a stairs without getting exhausted at least :P