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Your thoughts about early cloaked banshees!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:03 am
by rambo098
Yep Yep, (First of all i want to say im a Terran player) 

ive been playing ALOT sc2 lately! I advanced from Bronze to platinum really fast, i relyd on tank + bio army alot in the beginning, but my micro faild when faceing better opponents so i had to do something different.

i saw some recs and found a good strat, clocked banshees...

I havent lost a game since ( almost ).... seriously with some good timing and micro i beat almost eny opponent.

So my question to all the experts on this forum is  8)  :D

What do you think about the strat?
Does this strat work vs really good player?
And in which matchup do you think it work best?

Cya online !! :D

Re: your thoughts about early clocked banshees!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:13 am
by froggyman
Its really really good if it doesnt get scouted but once it gets scouted can be countered quite easily i think.. but its a very good strat

Re: your thoughts about early clocked banshees!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:22 pm
by HeJurmhoanni
They can potentially do huge amounts of damage in any match up but they get worse when you get into ~mid diamond (1000-2000pts) cause ppl know how to react agaisnt them.

Personally i havent had much problems with banshees at all unless my opponent does it funky for example in ZvT he sends a viking and a banshee and if i have only one overseer like i usually do they kill it with the viking and the banshees are free to do anything they want.

Banshees are just something you have to take into account when you plan a build against T with any race. Gotta have some kind of detection available at the time they could be coming.

Re: your thoughts about early clocked banshees!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:07 pm
by WarlordR
Good strat but once it gets scouted its GG (unless u aren't doing it the all-in way but that isnt quite as deadly and way easier to counter even if you didn't expect the banshees.)

Re: your thoughts about early clocked banshees!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:17 pm
by GrEaTeR_KnArLoC
Banshees are very good overall unit. Cloaked, excellent DPS and very good harass unit.