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Phone Scam

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:16 am
by NEO_CrAz3n
I just thought I'd share a little internet horror story with you guys. Maybe it will help one of you.

A few months back I changed internet providers because my provider was having a few problems with a router. I'll make this part of a long story, short. Trust me, this is the short version.

They were terrible, sold me things I specifically told them I didn't want, numerous times, changed the plan I specifically told them I didn't want because it was too expensive, charged me for virus software I already had and lied about if you could connect to them without a dialer. I called them, they said they were sorry, changed the plan back to what I wanted and the next month I received a bill for the price of the expensive plan because they never removed it. I then cancelled, got the confirmation number and went back to my old provider.

Six months later we noticed I was still be charged (the right plan this time) but I had cancelled 6 months earlier. I threatened them by threatening to call the Attorney General and was refunded eveything immediately.

In the meantime, while doing all of this calling around, a customer service rep at Embarq, my phone company, said "Do you know you have another one on here charging to your phone?". I couldn't believe it. A call forwarding company was charging me and I never signed up for it. I eventually threatened them, after a good battle, with calling the Attorney General, and poof, like magic my charges were gone.

There are lots of company's that name their company to fool telephone customers into believing it's a tax or phone charge. They'll name their company, The US Phone commission or Telecom & media services or something similar. They will usually just charge a few dollars to your bill so that you really don't notice. Most people don't!

Check your bills people. There may be one or more. They're slick ******* and they'll even try to get you to believe you ordered it online. All they need is your name, address and phone number and they've got you. Pretty easy information to get.

You can block anyone from charging to your phone. It costs just a few dollars a month and it's well worth it just for the piece of mind.

Thank God for a great customer service rep at Embarq! She said she recognized the name and had gotten calls, over the years, from people wondering what the charge was.

Phone companies must allow these companies to do this. It's a federal law. So check those bills today people!

Re: Phone Scam

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:06 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
unbelievable, what a scam :/
I must say that here's it's clear what we pay, you just kinda pick a pack (ADSL light, turbo, ... etc) and u know the fixed price for it. Nothing in addition can be charged. Makes it easy to check your monthly bill.

Re: Phone Scam

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:23 pm
by KingKaramazov
Chaos I love your signature because it quotes System of a Down.

On topic: That sucks, I'll keep that in mind in the future.

Re: Phone Scam

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:18 pm
by blayzer13
yeah it does suck

chaos u 4got the best part of that song...hes gone so far to find our hope hes never coming back