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Acquiring Orlan's Portrait

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:05 am
by KingKaramazov
For anybody interested in acquiring the Orlan portrait - the one you get for beating 7 insane AI opponents in a custom game FFA - here's a strategy that's dead easy.


The map you want is Abyss. You want all the computer opponents to be Zerg. Play as Protoss, and go for an early forge. Build a wall of photon cannons across the choke point in front of the natural expansion (make it very deep with cannons) and also put a few on the edges of your base. Expand early on and send all your probes to minerals in order to fund all of the cannons. Once you have a solid cannon wall 3-4 cannons deep, make 3-4 stargates and mass as many void rays as you can before your minerals run out.

You will be attacked a couple times, but the force should be almost entirely made up of roaches with only a few hydralisks / mutalisks. Once you have 12-15 voids or more, you'll be able to defend your base without any photon cannons (your wall will probably get demolished at least once anyway so that's a good thing).

The computers will resign over the course of the match until there are only one or two left. They should leave you alone aside from one or two attacks until this happens. When there's only one or two left, attack with your voids and mop up what's left. The only anti-air should be a few hydras, a couple queens, and the odd spore crawler.

It's so easy that I accomplished it on the first try without having even played Protoss before. It's a lot more difficult playing as another race against different types of computer opponents. My first attempt was to float to the corner island on Lava Flow and mass BCs. This is much, much easier.

This is a video of this strategy. It isn't me in the video (I'm fairly sure I did it in less time), but it's an adequate demonstration of what you need to do.

Re: Acquiring Orlan's Portrait

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:04 am
by Aaryn_GenD
i did it the other way, take terran and fly to the islands and all opponents zerg of course, as tehy are the race which are least likely to go heavy anti-air.
then i did bc/viking/banshee, cloacked banshee for harassing eco, vikings for anti-air and bc for the extra whack and yamato'ing big units

the avatar is butt ugly though^^

Re: Acquiring Orlan's Portrait

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:11 am
by KingKaramazov
yeah, having all of your opponents be zerg is probably the most important thing. they mass roaches big time. and zerg anti air aside from hydralisks fails pretty hard in general.