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Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:01 am
by IndyBrit
Here's a weird thought I had - what is your favorite Age in the game and why? Maybe we've done this before, but oh well.

I have to admit a Brit bias here - but Age II is my favorite. Spamming card-boosted units from 2-4 rax is just the sweet spot for the Brits and that age is a lot of fun. It seems to be where much of the game-deciding action is, even if the game isn't over yet there.

When I play French, age IV is my favorite, even though most games don't go that far. But trying to sneak in a second favorite age is cheating.

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:06 am
by HeJurmhoanni
Age III because u have more unit combos to choise from and then using these units.

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:36 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Fortress age is just old school, I love it. 75% of 1v1's end in colonial age atm

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:00 am
by StrokeyBlofeld
Discovery ftw.... I can't lose in discovery...... ;)

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:04 am
by 36drew
It depends the civ. For example, I druel at age iv ottoman and same with age iii spain. Lots of fun.

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:32 am
by NitroZ
[quote=""StrokeyBlofeld""]Discovery ftw.... I can't lose in discovery...... ;)[/quote]


Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:56 am
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
It all depends on the civ and whether it's a team game.

In 1v1, I love Fortress Age with the Germans. Veteran skirm/uhlan + mercs is still my all-time favorite combo.

With the Brits I agree that the Colonial Age rocks. There's no need to age in most cases.

In team Dutch games, I like a straightforward colonial anti-cav skirm spam... for those who've played with my Dutchies you know what I'm talking about :D

Then again, Age IV is freakin' awesome with just about any civ. But as you say, it's a treat to get that far.

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:29 am
by Aaryn_GenD
unbiased by any civ, i say it is age IV for me...
the buildings start to look soo nice then ;) and the upgraded units look much nicer too ! :-P
couple that with everything what is available in industrial and you get a sumup of why industrial is my favourite age

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:39 am
by Drag
Not sure it counts as an age, but my favorite is revolting, I just love that music :-P

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:44 am
by danno527
I'm gonna have to say age II. My micro is good sub 40 units generally. My economy management is better small scale also. I tend to get sloppier and sloppier as the game progresses so i prefer the Colonial age. Discovery age as the Iroquois can be fun too they rock at treasure hunting.

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:03 am
by GeneralMichael
I'm going to have to say age 4, since that is where I am finally am able to have a strong enough eco to be able to fight constantly, and also at that time I usually have all vills on either a plantation or mills, except for about 10 who are either cutting wood or building something. So I don't need to worry much about wasting vill time

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:06 am
by I__CHAOS__I
[quote=""Sporting_Lisbon""]Fortress age is just old school, I love it. 75% of 1v1's end in colonial age atm[/quote]
too bad FF is so bad nowadays :(

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:21 am
by Soccerman771
[quote=""StrokeyBlofeld""]Discovery ftw.... I can't lose in discovery...... ;)[/quote]

You didn't watch the tourney rec between me and joe on great plains did you. It is possible to lose in discovery...

@topic - Fortress or age IV. That's China's "sweet spot" ;)

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:57 am
by Lost_my_hope
(Royal) guard units.. church techs... factories.. heavy cannons... killer shipments... stylish architecture (I agree Aaryn)... yum :twisted:

Re: Favorite age and why

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:01 pm
by ckei
fortress age all the way!

cant stop loving 2 falc shipment,dragoons and the lovely unit called hand mortar