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Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:11 pm
by GeneralMichael
They do with dutch flags, :) We got a politicus named Geert Wilders who doesn't like Islam and after fitna Islam doesn't like Wilders. By the way Indy, bush didn't get much help in Afganistan because he did it without agreement of or Navo or UN (or without both, don't remember clearly.[/quote]

dunno, like it's a big deal they burn flags... the fools whaste their money on a flag and afther that they burn it..


edit: for my part they can make a large campfire of belgian flags... i wouldn't care less.[/quote]

well the burning flags the US takes very seriously since it is one our our national symbols. When we see an American flag being burned it is like they people are saying... not sure how to put it strong enough but a weaker version would be death to america, we want to see america in flames, i hope all those ******** die in america, ect. ect.

During the battle in the Revolutionary war where our national anthem came from part of the song is about how the british were unable to take or destroy our flag, our symbol of freedom and hope.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:14 pm
by IndyBrit
Flag burning? I have "issues"? Crikey, it's like there's a shadow thread going here that I can't see but you guys can. :D

The issues I listed are the issues that Obama campaigned on and that he said would improve.

My point is that Obama has an inflated view of himself and his effect on the world. He doesn't matter as far as substantive foreign relations go, just as he doesn't matter as far as jobs go. When he failed on the jobs side, he invented this "saved or created" monstrosity that defies measurement. I was just noting that he should do the same in foreign policy.

Surely Obama went to Copenhagen, he thought Chicago had a chance, regardless of Kaiser's assessment. During the next round of "secret" Iranian nuke facility and missile tests, Obama could break out my new metric. "Imagine how many nuclear facilities they WOULD HAVE hidden if my administration was not in office."

So, this is all about Obama and his credibility, and nothing about the true nature of USA-World relations. However, the discussion you guys are having is very entertaining, so please resume your Indy-paranoia debate.

(PS - LordandCount, we had NATO approval to go into Afghanistan. I'm reluctant to say that because it sort of justifies that side discussion you guys are having that I have no part in. My point would be, non-US NATO members are sending the same numbers of troops to support the effort whether it is Obama or Bush in office, despite Obama's assertions to the contrary)

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:20 pm
by GeneralMichael
indy your last post with the indy peranoid part made me start thinking of you wearing a tin foil hat saying that the aliens are trying to read your mind, and then the twilight zone theme song starts to play....

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:30 am
by Soccerman771
I think it's great that he spent 3-4 days and over 3 million (US tax dollars) in his trip to Copenhagen, but only gave McChristall 30 minutes to discuss a strategy on how to win the war in Afghanistan. But hey, Obama's in office, can you imagine how bad it would have been had he not been in there??? I catch the thoughts of your thread.

And Kaiser - that was an excellent use of your style to make your point in your last post.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:50 am
by wicked_assassin
well the burning flags the US takes very seriously since it is one our our
During the battle in the Revolutionary war where our national anthem came from part of the song is about how the british were unable to take or destroy our flag, our symbol of freedom and hope.[/quote]

It are only symbols, only mere symbols. It has no real value. if i had 10 belgian flags (i'm belgian), i would probably throw it in a garbage bin or cut them into smaller pieces and use it to clean my hands while doing some dirty work.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:37 am
by huGGy
I like the fact that Rio won. First time ever the Olympic Games went to a country in South America. It is a great symbol like it was giving the football world cup to South Africa. Also it is not the job of the president to create an application for such an event. He just can support it. So did Lula for Brazil and i think the presidents in Japan and Spain as well.
No need to blame Obama.

Also not getting the Olympic Games doesn't mean people are burning the flag of the United States. It happened in Countries you were/are in war with. It is normal that the TV shows the things people want to see to create a public meaning regarding the war and the whole situation. Also people in the middle east only know what the media gives to them. So if the government want to create a special view there, they'll do it.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:40 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
[quote=""HuggyPierre""]I like the fact that Rio won. First time ever the Olympic Games went to a country in South America. It is a great symbol like it was giving the football world cup to South Africa. Also it is not the job of the president to create an application for such an event. He just can support it. So did Lula for Brazil and i think the presidents in Japan and Spain as well.
No need to blame Obama.

Also not getting the Olympic Games doesn't mean people are burning the flag of the United States. It happened in Countries you were/are in war with. It is normal that the TV shows the things people want to see to create a public meaning regarding the war and the whole situation. Also people in the middle east only know what the media gives to them. So if the government want to create a special view there, they'll do it.[/quote]


Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:56 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
Flag-burning is an interesting subject. So are flags. The first thing you notice when you get back to the States from a long trip to Germany is that there are flags all over the place. In Berlin, you only see flags on the Bundestag building, and that's understandable because it's the seat of government. But private citizens don't fly German flags over their homes, businesses don't own them over their lobbies, people don't sticker them to their cars and they certainly don't wear flag lapel pins, even the newscasters.

By contrast, when you get back to the United States, it seems that flags are EVERYWHERE. From the moment you step off the plane you see flags. There are flags hanging everywhere at the airport. You can buy little flags at the gift shop, people wear flag T-shirts and even the Dunkin Donuts shop sports a flag, since it is very patriotic to buy pastries and coffee. Outside the airport, there are even more flags. You can't drive through many suburban neighborhoods without seeing flags in windows, flags on poles on lawns, and, if you go inside a house, flags on quilts and blankets, or flags in picture frames. If you get a **** at a bar, you might find a paper-flag toothpick in it. In New York, every commercial building has a flag in it. Every apartment building I've lived in had a flag in the lobby. I don't know how paying rent to a private landlord (who probably hates taxes) is patriotic, but what do I know?

America is unabashedly nationalistic. It doesn't like flag-burning because it loves flags. Many Americans attach mythical status to any flag. Personally, I don't like unchecked nationalism. I think it's fine to be proud of your country, but I don't feel the need to blare it by displaying flags and shouting down those who burn them. Not only that, but Americans don't really object to flag-burning "in the abstract." You can burn an Afghani or Russian flag and no one would give a fart. No, Americans don't like American flag-burning. So it's more a selective objection rather than a principled one.

Congress criminalized American flag-burning in the late 1980s. In a brave moment, the Supreme Court invalidated that law. But many saw the same case as a betrayal and reviled the Supreme Court for deciding it. Trouble is, we have a little thing called the "First Amendment" which guarantees "free speech." I think flag-burning is speech. You might hate what the speaker says, but I think he has a right to say it without being jailed.

Beyond that, I find America's obsession with flags very disturbing. Relentless nationalism is dangerous, pure and simple. If anyone knows that, it's the Germans. That's why they aren't so zealous about flying flags all over the place anymore. 50 million dead worldwide (including genocide) convinced Germany that blind patriotism really wasn't a healthy prescription for anyone, including themselves.

You see lots of flags in France, too. But those are the French. 8)

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:58 pm
by Blackadderthe4th
Yeah the only time you see flags flown en masse in England is during the football World Cup and even then they are taken down in bitter disappointment before the quarter finals... :roll:

Also the American flag pin on the lapel, I've always noticed this on any US politician or public figure and often wondered if they really wear it with pride or if it's just become a part of the expected dress code.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:15 pm
by IndyBrit
The American flag pin lapel is funny as hell, because using the flag as a decoration like that is against the flag code. To put that in context, the flag code is an anally retentive set of rules put together by the respect-the-flag folks on proper treatment of the flag, and is often put forth as a pseudo-law by the anti-flag burning crowd (who are also prone to wearing American flag pin lapels).

That paragraph above is a lot of fun if you keep reading it over and over again while turning in circles. Maybe just the turning circles is the fun part, as my kids seem to do that a lot and then fall over a little later.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:19 pm
by wicked_assassin
a flag code lol????


Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:41 pm
by lordandcount
[quote=""Blackadderthe4th""]Yeah the only time you see flags flown en masse in England is during the football World Cup and even then they are taken down in bitter disappointment before the quarter finals... :roll:

Also the American flag pin on the lapel, I've always noticed this on any US politician or public figure and often wondered if they really wear it with pride or if it's just become a part of the expected dress code.[/quote]

You don't even see Dutch flags at World Cup, the only thing you see evrybody dressed in orange (we even ad the colour orange to our flag in een wimpel (not sure how to translate)). We dutch are not really nationalistic, we keep talking about how evrything is wrong in the Netherlands and how evrything is better evrywhere, still if someone imigrate about 40% is back in 5 years because they miss the Netherlands.

Re: USA foreign credibility saved or created

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:15 pm
by Soccerman771
[quote=""wicked_assassin""]a flag code lol????

lmao[/quote] ... quette.htm

And yes, it's a little ridiculous.