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Entertaining Clanner 2v2 on NW Territory

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:40 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
I realized last night that Drew recorded this game before we played it. It's Kaiser (Germans) and Tubruk (Dutch) vs. Drew (Aztec) and Joe4holly (Ottomans). Tubruk and I hunker down, thinking we'll be hardcore rushed, but we spot TP and water decks, so we know they're planning something "fishy" (no pun intended). Drew harasses with coyotes while Joe masses Jannies. Drew chances right into my second hunt and kills half my food vils, but while he's off raiding, the Kaiser's uhlans and Tubruk's skirms attack their FB. There's a nice battle there; we lose almost everything but so do they. So it turns into a boom fest with some assorted raiding. I somehow picked a deck that didn't have guild artisans, so my boom lags behind until the end.

Toward the end there are some really entertaining battles featuring 15 cannons, 50 75-attack czapkas, horse archers, carabineers, needle gunners, eagle runner knights, arrow knights and more. Tubs played an amazing game with all-out bank/ruyter lamage ::/

This was a really fun game to play. Drew had to leave early, unfortunately, but I think it's cool to have played a game on this underused map.

GG everyone.

Re: Entertaining Clanner 2v2 on NW Territory

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:03 pm
by Tubruk
GG, Guys.

I shouldn't of went to imperial so early tbh *FacePalm*

Re: Entertaining Clanner 2v2 on NW Territory

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:20 am
by Shizle
I love this map. Fun game to watch. Not sure why Drew didn't get the age 3 damage upgrade card for 1k coin...