Some players are just so XXXXXXXXX!

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Re: Some players are just so XXXXXXXXX!

Post by NEO_CrAz3n »

I never quit until I see the resign screen. Saying it and doing it are 2 totally different things. Nothing says "I Resign" like the resign screen.

I don't care for it either but it's not cheating and I just keep playing until I see that screen. Guys trash talk to us all the time trying to get into our heads and get us out of our games. If it pisses people off it's probably not a good thing to do for us though. If he was trash talking I'd say good for you!
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Re: Some players are just so XXXXXXXXX!

Post by luukje »

Had someone stalking me again yesterday, just because we lost a game. We talked about doing a rush, i got 15 hussar out and 8 pikmemen shipment, and they build 10 ashi and some spanish rod sand pikes.
We have a bad fight (of course, my teammates had nothing) and then they start calling me a noob becaus my eco is gone.
How the hell do they think I got 15 hussar out quickly?
I really need to play some more with N3O's.
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Re: Some players are just so XXXXXXXXX!

Post by kingchrisII »

hey luukje add me yeah ill hapily play some games with you !!!

you sound like a good player to me
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Re: Some players are just so XXXXXXXXX!

Post by luukje »

Im your average lieutenant, nothing more nothing less.
Ill add you.
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Re: Some players are just so XXXXXXXXX!

Post by Comadevil »

In my team are almost always people i know. The opponent team doesn't matter to me (except that they are not much higher or lower rated than my team)
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