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Etrips' French vs Germans

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:00 pm
by etrips888
Finally won a game 1v1 after a bit of a cold streak. It was my french vs germans and I thought I did a decent job so I thought I would post and hopefully get some feedback about the game, especially any tips.

I go for a cav start and after getting a vill treasure I decide to be sneaky and put my stables in the middle of the map, and with my scout I see a rax going up so I quickly decide that I will need a rax as well. Felt there were good raiding points and such on my part, but then there was a point I lost a lot of vills when I wasn't watching..

Anyway hope you guys enjoy and would love to get some tips

RE patch

Re: Etrips' French vs Germans

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:42 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
Cool, etrips!

Bah, a French stable... mass uhlans und ab in DEN KAMPF!!!