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Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:59 pm
by ckei
I know this is a question I probably only can answear myself.but Im having a hard time picking a main civ.I have narrowed the options to 3 civs: Spain,French and Germany.Basilcy I want your experience about the civ and what you would recommend

I like spain because they are diffrent. They dont really lack any unit and they have some cool features like faster shipments,cav that beats heavy infantry and hehe unction.But on the otherhand they are perhaps a little bit up.altho I like being the underdog,the other civs just seems better.

I have most experience with french. I know the basic concept and thats why it would probably be easy to pick them up. I also like their Jack of all threads mentality,they are just so flexible. But they dont have any kind of uniqueness, just cdbs and currasiers. having no real weakness makes them quite dull

I used to play Germany back in nilla(with a win % of 39). But I have almost forgot everything about them. They arent as unique as spain,but the slower shipment rate gives something to work with. Raiding is something that I love and Uhlans would give me the possibility to do that.
On the other hand they lack the ranged musketeer unit,which is something I value alot.But its not like I cant play with out musketeers,its just that Im more comfortable when I have them around.

Thx ckei

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:31 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Spain is too hard to be effective, French is indeed dull and German is the definition of COOL and OUTRAGEOUS when you raid people with uhlans. Xbow/pike + uhlans = fun (in my humble opinion).

Forget musketeers, xbow/pike will improve your micro! (i.e. try using cover mode. If you don't know what that is, it instantly turns your pikes from 5 speed 120 hp 8 atk to 3.5 speed 240 hp 4 atk tank shields - guess what? when there's no cav and pikes attract skirms and xbows, let them get their force shields up and kill THEIR xbows with YOUR xbows while they're trying hopelessly to get YOUR pikes. Now imagine you had 2 uhlans from card. HF!)

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:40 am
by Hydrovert5
Yeah, just adding to what Sporting said, the Spanish are good, but only in the right hands. If you get someone inexperienced playing them you're going to make a lot of judgemental errors and fall flat in the long run.

French are very good, very versatile, as you mentioned. Decent all round, and you don't have to be a very good player to use them effectively.

Germans are the cream of the crop in this game, as far as I'm concerned. Games have been won purely because of the free Uhlans from shipments. They get some of the best military unit shipments in the game in age II, and with the proper micro you have yourself a very competitive army in colonial. Give em a try in TAD, they're super fun to play.

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:04 am
by GeneralMichael
yeah, I'm also going to add a little, Spain is hard to learn but late game once you get unction, they become OP, with 10 missionaries you can take on almost 2 players alone. The only way to weaken spain is take out the missionaires fast, but while you are chasing those fast moving missionaries around, your army is being slaughtered and there are more missionaries being made. Spain is not anything special early game unless you are doing a quick rush and you and your teammate are doing a quick rush with pikes and xbows/whatever your civ might have in replace where that team archaic infantry does come in handy.

With France in mid to late game they just become OP with cuirs and get a little kind of mindless.

Germany is nice even if you don't go cav since you can still raid with them even when you don't have a stable. Also in age 4 after you sent the advance church card the dopples are fun to mass. If you can get you opponenets to concentrate thier troops on one side of the map you can then attack on the other with about 20 dopples and quickly bring down their whole base before they can get anysized force over there to stop your units. Especially if they are making units out of the barracks that pop up right next to the dopples

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:27 pm
by Blackadderthe4th
I would suggest Germany out of all three of those civs, free uhlans is a very useful unique bonus. Also if you like mercs then Germany has a wide range of very cool mercs that can be upgraded to make them the best in the game.

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:37 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
Did you have to ask? You're talking to the German fanatic right here ;)

Germans are just fun. True, they don't have musketeers, but they have really unique units. I can't add much to what everyone has said about the units: uhlans, mercs, doppels, xbow/pike... and don't forget skirmishers! Back in the day, FF was the way to go with Germany and it is still viable. You can do all kinds of FF and semi-FF variations while taking advantage of free uhlans and those massive Settler Wagon shipments. In early fortress, your military shipments are simply OP. Veteran Uhlan/skirm is a heck of a combo once you get there.

And think of this: With the Germans you can get the best late-game econ in the game, too... hands down. You can train up to 99 vils AND 20 SWs, giving you the power of 139 vils, plus a card that boosts SW gathering by 35%. French? Japs? Bah, let them try to compete with pimped up Settler Wagons doing what they do best... Aufgabe?

Have fun! And maybe a mirror match? :twisted:

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:47 pm
by Lost_my_hope
Yeah the Germans are the best. 139 vill pop only leaves space for 30 uhlans though :(

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:48 pm
by Tubruk
[quote=""Kaiser_von_Nuben""]And think of this: With the Germans you can get the best late-game econ in the game, too... hands down. You can train up to 99 vils AND 20 SWs, giving you the power of 139 vils, plus a card that boosts SW gathering by 35%. French? Japs? Bah, let them try to compete with pimped up Settler Wagons doing what they do best... Aufgabe?[quote]

may be a strong eco but 60 pop space for military means you will be overwhelmed especially versus the likes of france (120 Mil pop) and not to mention china can have 119 vils and still have 100 Mil pop.

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:51 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
[quote=""Lost_my_hope""]Yeah the Germans are the best. 139 vill pop only leaves space for 30 uhlans though :([/quote]
ye, that's why everybody trains 60 regular settlers and the rest sw, having a 100pop eco.

i would suggest you the french ckei, i don't think they become dull, they're a really nice civ as everyone knows and cuirs are just cool. then again i'd say go with the mighty germans.

as you said it's hard to give good advice, but my point stands: french or germans :?

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:44 pm
by ckei
I think I will go with germany. Now I just have to download some recs and go through some Bo´s. Thanks for your posts

I would love to play some mirror games with you,Kaiser. Bis Angriff !! :D
But rigth now I am sitting in a caravan,so we will have to do it some other day

Auf wiedersehen

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:35 am
by Skull_Splinter
German are the best, I should know I was born there ;) und ich kann deutsch sprechen

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:47 am
by I__CHAOS__I
[quote=""Skull_Splinter""]German are the best, I should know I was born there ;) und ich kann deutsch sprechen[/quote]

best? they keep losing all their wars :P

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:13 pm
by deadhanddan
when i think of going with a civ , i always ask myself the question - ''musket or no musket'' -

germany-spain-france are each unique yes , the gameplay between all 3 is very different with the weakest of the 3 ( on land ) being spain naturally - while the strongest of the 3 ( on water ) being spain imho

all have a good fortress ( germany best at fortress i think ) while late game goes to france

if your playing on RE 1.02 your best bet ( euro civ ) is either germany/france ( don't use spain ) . if your playing on FP 1.1a then any of the 3 is a good choice with my personal fav being spain ( 5 vill fortress politician is sick :D )

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:03 pm
by gendarme
Wow, I should try germans lol.

Re: Spain,French or Germany?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:06 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
[quote=""I__CHAOS__I""][quote=""Skull_Splinter""]German are the best, I should know I was born there ;) und ich kann deutsch sprechen[/quote]

best? they keep losing all their wars :P[/quote]

It's been a while since the Franco-Prussian War... they had good micro and K/D ratios in the last two, though 8)