Otto vs Aztec (a "must watch" game!)

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Re: Otto vs Aztec (a "must watch" game!)

Post by BashUgood »


It's mostly always easier to see what a player is doing wrong watching a recorded game and feel we could have done better.
Basically because we just sit back and watch the game .. being in the heat of the battle is totally different, there are desicions to be made based on alot of variables all while the brain is making numerous calculations based on personal experience/knowledge.

I would sum it up with this saying... " It's easier said then done"
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Re: Otto vs Aztec (a "must watch" game!)

Post by MizzKid92 »

[quote=""Navarone_Guy""]Mizzkid, you might not want to act like that guy's an idiot. He stood toe to toe with MrMilo (a level 38 brigadier). That automatically makes him damn good. It's also easier to tell him what to do when you can see the whole map.[/quote]

Ok so he's not stupid, but he was in this game. I read his posts, and I can understand being flustered, but still there were just too many mistakes.
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Re: Otto vs Aztec (a "must watch" game!)

Post by NEO_CrAz3n »


It's mostly always easier to see what a player is doing wrong watching a recorded game and feel we could have done better.
Basically because we just sit back and watch the game .. being in the heat of the battle is totally different, there are desicions to be made based on alot of variables all while the brain is making numerous calculations based on personal experience/knowledge.

I would sum it up with this saying... " It's easier said then done"[/quote]

Yep, Monday morning QB'ing is always easier. The only guys I've ever seen play nearly flawless games were Grunt, Chris (from L Clan) and Daut from AOC days. Daut had nearly mechanical starts.

It's always good when you can spot mistakes. If you guys ever want to see a bunch in one game just watch my recs.
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