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GreenDude - HeJurmhoanni V KingVint - HuggyPierre

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:49 pm
by GreenDude
2v2 N3O Ladder Game

Game Type: Supremacy
Map: Bayou

Team 1: GreenDude (Ottomans) -HeJurmhoanni (China)
Team 2: KingVint (China) -HuggyPierre (Russians)

Winner: KingVint - HuggyPierre

Vint just boomed on us like a elephant :-P and Huggy raided my ass off and then they came in for the kill after our attack failed.


Re: GreenDude - HeJurmhoanni V KingVint - HuggyPierre

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:48 pm
by KingVint
After a 6 game losing streak, I was paired with someone who was OP enough to balance out my UP gameplay. Huggy did an amazing job raiding, while I continued to mass my nublet Old Han army and get the Chinese eco fired up.

Greendude and HeJurmhoanni pulled off a pretty solid attack. If there were more siege units in the initial rush, the end game result might of been different, due to the large distance my units had to meander across (and my wonderful reaction time).

After defeating their rush (and huggy flawlessly saving his vills), we quickly pay HeJurmhoanni a visit and do a number to his town hoping to stall his eco, but we get very few vills (gj on saving them, mate). Meanwhile, Greendude schemes up a quite effective strategy and hits the 3rd age. With the arrival of his cannons, my human wall of Old Han nublets gets blasted back to the stone age.

Pimpster Huggy continues to raid a bit and keep them on edge, while we pull back to age and mass units. With all of us in the 3rd age, we prepare for the final showdown and mosey over to Greendude...who greets us with a Fort to the face. And you will have to watch to see what happens in the final battle.

GG guys. Any and all tips about my PR 15 gameplay are accepted. I would also like to thank those who have been improving my gameplay by allowing me to play with them; big props to DeadhanDan and Lazy in that area.

Re: GreenDude - HeJurmhoanni V KingVint - HuggyPierre

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:44 am
by Soccerman771
I'll take a peek and let you know.

Ok Vint man - first of all OP monk name (yes, I'm obsessed with explorer/monk/cheif names).

Your very early game is actually quite good. However, when building vils/collecting crates - shift/click to another task to the union workers don't go idle.

Once you get the scout - USE HIM! Best treasure on the map, but you let him stay idle.

Keep constant vil production. Usually after I get the 400 food from age up, I'll queue 3-4 vils right off.

With the 700 wood, usually go another vilage, 1 old han, consulate, and chop enough to get a market then a trade post - the seminole on this map has a really nice archer upgrade if you can sweat it.

Nice job on those Steppe's they died like the rats they are..

You had too many vils on food and didn't have the card for the 8 chu ko nu and the flamethrower. I usually go 2-3 more vils on wood than food since it collects slower.

Get the upgrades from the market you built.

Hard to do, but keep an eye on your export. Once you get to 250 w/Germans get the food trickle. Oh, nevermind you got that.. :)

700 food and not queuing vils....?

At around the 12 min mark, once they were beaten back, I would have contemplated switching almost all my wood vils to gold and ship 700 then age. GJ getting the treasure.

Take out the saiga and great migration wastes IMO..5 meteor hammer's or iron flails are really good cards. Standard army hitpoints and repelling volley are really good as well.

Once you get full pop and you have the room, get those villages up. If nothing else you get the XP and you get pop space/line of site.

Don't forget about your monk, he makes a great meat-sheild if nothing else.

Very good job overall, not a lot to improve overall.

Huggy - OP raiding bro.

Re: GreenDude - HeJurmhoanni V KingVint - HuggyPierre

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:58 am
by KingVint
I appreciate you taking the time to review my gameplay. Each of those points are certainly things I need to work on. My failure to use the shift/click was disturbing in this game. The tips for changing my deck and villager resource distribution were exceedingly helpful.

Thanks a bunch,

Re: GreenDude - HeJurmhoanni V KingVint - HuggyPierre

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:56 pm
by deadhanddan
just viewed game , good watch :) well played by all , as for any china related advice soccerman pretty much summed it up ( if you do the summer palace colonial age up , u can use the bonus crates of food for mandarin squad ;) ) , and ty for mentioning me vint always nice to do a game with ya :D

p.s. : btw - bayou has the cherokee tp which is good for the cheap 4 villager tech , good for any civ to use , especially ottoman