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Huggy vs Englander742 (pr 27 captain) on Yucatan

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:00 pm
by huGGy
Played Russia again while he went India. I did a 14 Vill age up with schooners and 700 wood first card while he pressured with Agra Fort and early Gurkhas.

Some more or less good games with russia vs Drew and Sporting made me try them again and the outcome was ok :P.

HF watching.

Re: Huggy vs Englander742 (pr 27 captain) on Yucatan

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:43 pm
by KingVint
Well done. You microed your first shipment of cossacks amazingly well; it certainly bought you some time. Nice fish boom; I need to sit down and practice that one day.