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Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:42 am
by IndyBrit
I drink OP amounts of coffee right now and I'm trying to cut back. I'm thinking tea is a good alternative. So anyone want to weigh in on what a total tea noobster should know about tea to do this modestly well? I live in Indiana, so our tea selection may be not what you'd have in say, London.

Also - I prefer my coffee and/or tea with no frills (sugar, milk, etc). Primarily, this is because I'm a slob and those things make it sticky when you spill it on yourself. 8O

What should I be looking for in a decent tea? Any recommendations? Can I get it shipped over the internet without having King George rake me over the coals?

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:53 am
by cleeduz
Indy, I know next to nothing about tea. But, recently made the switch from Coffee to Chai Tea. It's not bad stuff, worth a try perhaps... ::/

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:54 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Black tea is one of the people's favorites I think.

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:21 am
by StrokeyBlofeld
Well, I live in the UK and tea-drinking normaly includes milk, although there are the odd few who drink it black. Personaly, it depends on how refined your pallet is. A standard "off-the-shelf" tea bag such as tetley is quite nice for a regular daily intake. (5 or 6 cups a day etc). If your looking for something a little more delicate then you need to look for some specific lines such as Earl Grey or Darjeeling or Jasmine.

Here is an interesting site you may like to check out:

UK Tea Council

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:22 am
by TheRam
Earl Grey Tea is pretty bog standard stuff, I mean that's what you're looking for if you say 'tea'.
A bit of a posh brand is 'twinings' but if you're looking for british tea, and brands like 'pg tips' and 'tetleys' are all pretty much the same thing.
If you're looking for something more exotic then I am of no help.
Also, tea has less caffiene, not hugely less... but less.

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:30 am
by RascalJones
Green Tea is supposed to rock the anti-oxidants as well. I'm not a tea-drinker, though. I have in my desk drawer some Bigelow's green tea with lemon, and it's "ok". Not too strong of a flavor of anything, really.'s not coffee. I love me some coffee, and straight black is the only way. Not because of your reasons, Indy, but because sugar makes it disgusting, and milk....tastes like warm milk. blech. Give it to me straight.

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:10 am
by cleeduz
Oooo, a tea party? Rascal, want to come along?


Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:11 am
by Soccerman771
Come to Texas and I'll make you the best glass of sweet COLD - ICE tea you've ever had!!!!

Yes, ICE COLD tea. That ought to make the guys "across the pond" a little sick, mwuhahahahahahahahahah!

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:16 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Yeah Rascal, agreed, sugar totally ruins coffee. I still can't drink most tea without sugar tho ^^

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:33 am
by Blackadderthe4th
Yorkshire teabag with milk, one sugar nuff said.

P.S. for an OP tea moment check this video at around 1:25.

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:36 am
by adeadmanrunning
depends soccer do u mean sweetened or unsweetened? me i like unsweetened. but i love ice tea or root bear, since i cant drink alcohol yet.

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:16 am
by deadhanddan
[quote=""RascalJones""]Green Tea is supposed to rock the anti-oxidants as well. I'm not a tea-drinker, though. I have in my desk drawer some Bigelow's green tea with lemon, and it's "ok". Not too strong of a flavor of anything, really.'s not coffee. I love me some coffee, and straight black is the only way. Not because of your reasons, Indy, but because sugar makes it disgusting, and milk....tastes like warm milk. blech. Give it to me straight.[/quote] i am in agreement 100%, altho i do have a soft spot for french vannilla, that stuff on certain days hits the spot, idk but for me i have to intake at least some caffeine, with all the half-witted teenage drivers loose upon american roadways, need to be as alert as i can be

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:34 am
by jonesk
Ice lemon tea is great in hot climates, not sure about Indiana though lol

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:47 am
by IndyBrit
I knew there had to be a UK tea council! That is a pretty good link Strokey.

I think I'm going to start on Earl Grey. I want to look at Josh and go - "Tea, Earl Grey, hot." He will probably just stare back at me for a second and go outside though.

Re: Question for our British contingent

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:48 am
by IndyBrit
[quote=""adeadmanrunning""]depends soccer do u mean sweetened or unsweetened? me i like unsweetened. but i love ice tea or root bear, since i cant drink alcohol yet.[/quote]

South of the Mason-Dixon line, there is no "unsweetened." There is only tea. Iced, and about 50% sugar. Unless Soccer wants to argue that. :D