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N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:43 am
by 36drew
I am sitting here at the University Hospital and have been here all day with about 8000 appointments and tests. Anyway, I have some down time and managed to haxor on to one the computers in the room I am sitting on. I was thinking about making some N3O awards as a result. The voting cannot be done by pole since there are too many members, so lets just make this fun and do it the old fashioned way.

If you have to vote for one person to fill in each of the following categories (some serious, some ROFL OP), who would it be:

N3O Awards
Most improved player:
Most versatile player:
Most likely to play under the influence:
Player who contributes the most:
Funnest to be on ventrilo with:
Most likely to be a class clown:
You would like to meet in real life:
You would smack them upside the head if you could:
Most likely to party like a rock star:
Most likely to lame:
Least likely to lame:
Two players you would throw a shoe at:
Most likely to boom:
Most likely to rush:
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards):
Most likely to resign prematurely:
Most likely to not know what there doing:
Displays integrity, trust, and respect:

Well? What do you think?

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:48 am
by wicked_assassin
it sounds fun altough i will not vote because i'm to new.

most likly to make excuses afther a loss?

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:23 am
by StrokeyBlofeld
I'm loving your styleee drew.

Here's a few answers that sprang to mind... LMAO

Most likely to play under the influence: Lazy_Tuga
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: Lazy_Tuga
Most likely to be a class clown: Lazy_Tuga
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Tubruk
Most likely to lame: Lordandcount
Two players you would throw a shoe at: Tubruk and Tubruk
Most likely to rush: Sporting_Lisbon
Most likely to resign prematurely: Tubruk
Most likely to not know what there doing: StrokeyBlofeld
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: All officers of the clan ;)

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:28 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Yay I got won :D Who doesn't love to rush :D

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:38 am
by djdan
Most improved player: Tubruk from going from Uber noob to just noob
Most versatile player: OP Drew playing every civ going
Most likely to play under the influence: Me without a doubt, last night springs to mind :-P
Player who contributes the most: Different people contribute most in diffrenet ways
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: Lazy_Tuga
Most likely to be a class clown: Lazy_Tuga
You would like to meet in real life: Most of N3O
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Tubruk!
Most likely to party like a rock star: errmm? :-S
Most likely to lame: Drew, Anything he does is lame since he cannot be beaten
Least likely to lame: Lordandcount in an FFA ;)
Two players you would throw a shoe at: Tubruk & Chris
Most likely to boom: Lordandcount
Most likely to rush: Drew
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards): Strokey with his Cannon spams
Most likely to not know what there doing: DJDan
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: All of the officers :)

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:15 am
by Aaryn_GenD
cool idea:
i'm not long here, but from the ppl i know:

N3O Awards
Most improved player: Redfield87 :D
Most versatile player: Deadhanddan
Most likely to play under the influence: what influence?
Player who contributes the most: 36drews VODs
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: never been there (yet)
Most likely to be a class clown: -
You would like to meet in real life: -
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Tatltael :P
Most likely to party like a rock star: -
Most likely to lame: me
Least likely to lame: Sporting_Lisbon
Two players you would pair: deadhanddan & warlord or sporting&drew
Most likely to boom: L&C, ScarredClaw
Most likely to rush: me
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards): deadhanddan
Most likely to resign prematurely: me
Most likely to not know what there doing: 36drew
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: to everybody

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:26 am
by Tubruk
looks like I get the most shoes award. ;) I would post my answers but sadly the only Internet browser I have is on my iPod. So can't copy and paste :( but nice idea drew. Hope all goes well.

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:02 am
by Aravinthan
Most improved player: No doubt its me.... I went form 2nd lt lvl 22 to 2nd lt lvl 20.....
Most versatile player: What does verstiales mean?
Most likely to play under the influence: YOu mean of drugs?
Player who contributes the most: ComaDevil and cleeduz
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: Lazy
Most likely to be a class clown: Well there is alot, me, lazy, l&c, tatl
You would like to meet in real life: Alll the members of N3O
You would smack them upside the head if you could: L&C
Most likely to party like a rock star: Tatl
Most likely to lame:
Least likely to lame: Drew
Two players you would throw a shoe at: L&C and Tubruk
Most likely to boom: Jim
Most likely to rush: Drew
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards): That would be Drew also
Most likely to resign prematurely: Dont know
Most likely to not know what there doing: Me, most of the games i immprovise.... I won 2 games while improvising(ladder) and the others i lost cuz i followed a plan...
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: All N3O

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:13 am
by Highlander999
Should you be on hospital computers? :-P

N3O Awards

Most improved player: StrokeyBlofeld
Most versatile player: Drew
Most likely to play under the influence: :oops:
Player who contributes the most: Drew
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: Lazy
Most likely to be a class clown: Lazy
You would like to meet in real life: djdan/tubruk/Drew
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Tubruk
Most likely to party like a rock star: Moi :-P
Most likely to lame: lordandcount (Nice Flail rush :p)
Least likely to lame: StrokeyBlofeld
Two players you would throw a shoe at: Tubruk & djdan
Most likely to boom: Strokey
Most likely to rush: Drew
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards): Strokey
Most likely to resign prematurely: TUBRUK!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Most likely to not know what there doing: Tubruk
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: Officers and me :-P

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:46 am
by 36drew
[quote=""Highlander999""]Should you be on hospital computers? :-P

ROFL. It didn't say anywhere I couldn't be.... at home now though. :)

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:19 am
by I__CHAOS__I
where's the 'best game reviewer'? :p

N3O Awards
Most improved player: Macabee/Sun_Tzu
Most versatile player: Tatl
Most likely to play under the influence: me, opium FTW!
Player who contributes the most: damn hard to say, Lazy and Cleeduz are amongst them for sure
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: few times i could get on: Lazy
Most likely to be a class clown: Craz ;)
You would like to meet in real life: Yeedman
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Mr VOD, for making me fill in this long list of awards
Most likely to party like a rock star: djdan
Most likely to lame: Kaiser and his minions (uhlans) ;)
Least likely to lame: Strokey (always vote for the boss)
Two players you would throw a shoe at: Drew and Sporting for being too OP
Most likely to boom: L&C
Most likely to rush: Sporting_iroquois
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards): Drew?
Most likely to resign prematurely: dunno, but he prob got booted by now
Most likely to not know what there doing:
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: N3O core

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:57 am
by Tubruk
No chaos I'm still here. Na I dnt resign although it Is a popular belief I do. And the belief I like to be hit with shoes and whatnot. Oh and highlander when do I not know what I'm doing? (on aoe3 before we have a comedian see this ;p )

I know what I am doing I just do it a different way ;)

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:37 am
by GeneralMichael
N3O Awards
Most improved player: No idea since I have not been here too long
Most versatile player: no idea
Most likely to play under the influence: Highlander from all the stories I've heard
Player who contributes the most: Officers
Funnest to be on ventrilo with: Lazy
Most likely to be a class clown: Lazy
You would like to meet in real life: Jesusisawesome, and Lazy
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Mac and his evil wall of maces
Most likely to party like a rock star: No idea
Most likely to lame: no idea
Least likely to lame:no idea
Two players you would throw a shoe at: Tubruk, I could not bring myself to ruin Tubruks unanimous vote. Ohh and Tubruk might want to get some dodging tips from George Bush
Most likely to boom: Me, it's kinda my thing, I try to get most games to go age 3 where I can dominate
Most likely to rush: Tateltael(evil souix attack, was able to beat me and Nighthawk at same time)
Most likely to fire ICBM's (rockets, bombards): no idea
Most likely to resign prematurely: DeadHandDan due to his bad computer
Most likely to not know what there doing: Me, all I do is wing it
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: Whoever I play with... I don't trust anybody I'm playing with, i go paranoid and think everything is a Trap.

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:46 am
by cleeduz
Most improved player: Tubruk
Most versatile player: Drew
Most likely to play under the influence: DJDan
Player who contributes the most: Chaos (I miss the rec reviews...) ;)
Most likely to be a class clown: Lazy/Tatl
You would like to meet in real life: Kaiser_Von_Nuben/DJDan
You would smack them upside the head if you could: Tubruk, with a shoe.
Most likely to party like a rock star: Cammel/Tatl
Least likely to lame: Strokey
Two players you would throw a shoe at: Tubruk & Warlord678 :-P
Most likely to boom: Indy Brit
Most likely to rush: Macabee
Most likely to not know what there doing: Obviously me, everyone's answer should be Cleeduz :-P
Displays integrity, trust, and respect: Kaiser_Von_Nuben/DJDan, all of N3O Core :D

Re: N3O Awards: Uncencorsed and Uncut!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:29 am
by Aaryn_GenD
whoops, i think i've been mistaken then, i thought throwing a shoe at two ppl is like, naming two people who suit each other! not actually throw that shoe...

[quote=""GeneralMichael""]N3O Awards
Most likely to resign prematurely: DeadHandDan due to his bad computer

haha not computer, router ;)
and oyu obviously don't know dan, he never resigns