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why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:59 am
by Saint
About 30 days ago i grabed 2 copy's of COD,w@w and RE3 one for me and one for my son each. Mine was PC and his was Xbox. In the last 30 days i have not achieved anything near playability (on my super cool self built that im soo proud of pc). My son is 12 feet away kickin butt on his Xbox. I have had constant errors and disconnects, crashes and lock ups since i got both games. I did everything possible and even reformatted my pc to brand new status (its only 6 months old). I have sent at least a 1/2 dozen emails to both devs of each game and gotten ONE responce from EA with a fix for RE3. It was not a fix and frankly i had to research router tech stuff to even do that "fix". Why is it the developers can complete a game for a console while a die hard fan of pc gaming gets the shaft? I dont get it :(

I recently viewed a clip on Toms hardware about the owner of Crytek complaining about pirates. Well...what do you expect from all the famously bad releases of games on this platform? Not since the release of Homeworld by relic in 99 have i played a game without issue. Why has this changed?

Altho i do know alll about getting free games on the net i have never done it. I have been a loyal fan and supporter of pc online gaming and rebuked piracy personaly. going to rethink that position. If these company's can take my money and give me something that wont work then....Poetic Justice mabey ?

Im not looking for fixes or tech just fed up and thought id post a post.


Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:18 am
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
COD 5 on PC is a nightmare tech wise. I definitely share your pain on that. It's frozen and crashed my entire computer more than once, and I think it's responsible for fatally damaging my hard drive a couple weeks ago.

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:45 am
by scoop10
i feel ur pain as well but not in the same way.
COD5 ive finished on xbox 360 it is a bad arse game but thats were the fun ends for me. :(
iborrowed my mates fifa09 (he borrowed cod5 off me) and i tripped over my new plug and play kit my misses bought me as a christmas presant and it scratched his game so now i have just had to buy it for him for £20. At christmas as well, i know....

that is why PC gamin will never die for me!!! no leads....

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:04 am
by hallchr
Works good on my macbook pro that I have modded to play windows games.

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:32 pm
by IndyBrit
Believe it or not, PC gaming is far easier than it used to be. We kind of had a running joke going in the bad old days (null modem cable, anyone?) it took about 2 hours of set-up time to play one hour of a multi-player game. Connecting 2 PCs was so awesome back then (Doom FTW) that it was well worth it. Now, it's actually the norm that stuff works!

If you've ever had to Telnet to play a text-based MUD, you would appreciate what we have now. :D

And game boxes? Hey, I like my Wii, but they just can't have the depth and flexibility that PCs have.

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:36 pm
by NitroZ
Steam and WoW are keeping pc gaming alive xD

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:52 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
[quote=""Kaiser_von_Nuben""]COD 5 on PC is a nightmare tech wise. I definitely share your pain on that.[/quote]
+ a lot...

single player didn't offer anything new compared to COD2 (cept for better graphics maybe) and multiplayer is an error-fest, even LAN is a no-go.


Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:40 pm
by LaZy
I understand and ALMOST agree with this topic. I am a person who "borrows" ( as Tubruk states) alot of "stuff" off the internet. Mr Torrent is a good friend! HOWEVER...... I buy ALL my PC games. I have never played a game I havent paid 4. I will buy at least 1 PC game a month, usualy even more. At this moment in time Im playing GTA IV, COD 5 (some1 pls remind me why I bought that...) and my faithful AoEIII.

We all hated Windows XP, until the day Mr Gates and his crew brought out Vista. We all suddenly shifted our h8 2wards that. Now that the SP1 is finally out and about my hatred has eased off (somewhat). The reason why Im mentioning Operating Systems is very simple. I believe half of the problems commented by Saint and felt by us all is due to incompatabilities of the gaming software and the OS. U guys can not believe the frustration it was 4 me when I bought my new PC last year ( and yes my Windows Vista was the very 1st OS I actually bought) and tried 2 play AoEIII online. A Microsoft designed OS and Microsoft owned game simply didnt compute!!! How does that make sense? Its fixed now as yall know!

The other half of the problems do, somehow, reside with the game itself. Patches and more patches, bug fixes, new graphic drivers etc etc make u cry out loud when installing a new game. GTA IV 4 PC was more stressful 2 get 2 run properly than 2 reformat windows Vista. Windows Live alone needed God knows how many updates and crap.

I have been considering of buying a gaming console ( Xbow or PS) more and more now. The fact that the console game prices exceed PC game prices halts that decision though. The fact that the consoles get the respective games alot sooner than the PC pisses me off though. And the constant attention we have 2 give to minumum and ideal hardware requirements 2 run PC games smoothly is a nightmare by itself.

One thing is 4 sure though. PC gaming will never die. This LaZy D3ntist will allways play some stupid game on his PC.


Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:01 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
I don't see myself playing an RTS game on ps3/xbox, that aoc for ps2 showed well that it's not worth it. Same goes for FPS, you can't change the fact that the mouse is much better for shooting games than the analog sticks. Finally, I can't be asked to bother to find out how to connect one of this consoles to the internet when with the computer it is way easier. Not to mention that the computer isn't only for ''playing'' but you can also access forums, ventrilo, extra stuff likes fan patches, UI mods, etc. WoW on console should be a lot of fun too, 20+ spells with just 8 buttons would be Tekken ^^

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:55 pm
by LaZy
[quote=""Sporting_Lisbon""] 20+ spells with just 8 buttons would be Tekken ^^[/quote]

I think not Sporting. Pressind OOX**XO for spell Nº1 and then XX**OO for spell Nº 2 can be done quickly and easily. Its the 19th and 20th spell which are harder bcos u need 2 XOOX**OOX**XO.


Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:07 pm
by RascalJones
One thing is 4 sure though. PC gaming will never die. This LaZy D3ntist will allways play some stupid game on his PC.


Spider Solitaire FTW!!!!

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:45 pm
by joe4holly
I have cod5 both on pc and 360 and right now im playing it on the pc and getting 120 kills for 30 odd deaths =). On the xbox I cant even kill anyone as it harder to aim .

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:12 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
[quote=""I__CHAOS__I""][quote=""Kaiser_von_Nuben""]COD 5 on PC is a nightmare tech wise. I definitely share your pain on that.[/quote]
+ a lot...

single player didn't offer anything new compared to COD2 (cept for better graphics maybe) and multiplayer is an error-fest, even LAN is a no-go.

AOE3 FTW![/quote]

Yes, luckily I've gotten a program that backs up my player profile. After one crash I lost all my progress in the game.

I also agree that COD 2 is the best. Plus it was easier than COD 5 multiplayer, which seems to spawn you in the path of oncoming enemy troops, and even automatic weapons have excellent accuracy. For a rifle man like me, that ain't good ::/ Still, sometimes I roll with the punches, grab a extra-ammo drum PPSh and just spray (Dome, anyone?). That's what the game rewards, good or bad as it may be.

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:16 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
One thing is 4 sure though. PC gaming will never die. This LaZy D3ntist will allways play some stupid game on his PC.

Heck yeah. This lazy lawyer won't ever stop PC gaming, either; but that's mainly because I am a creature of habit, and PC gaming has been a habit of mine since, oh, about 1988 :roll: The last console I played was the SNES... we're talking 1993 here, people ;) I liked it, but then I just totally got wrapped up in PC games and never looked back.

Re: why pc gaming SHOULD die

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:51 pm
by Saint
Ill never leave PC gaming either...But after days of trying to get things working and *cough* a few drinks, i had to vent.