India Series

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Re: India Series

Post by KingKaramazov »

Coma, go to AgeSanctuary and watch the game of Slim Shady vs Soldier. Basically a very similar thing happened -- Soldier completely won on land but Slim just dominated sea, went to another island, and there was nothing Slim could do.

This is the way to play on this map. I didn't do it perfectly, but it's the general way to be successful on the map. Only 30% of the map is land, so obviously you have to dominate water in order to win.

That's why an Aztec player should be able to win every time, pretty much.
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Re: India Series

Post by MNBob »

U must have more than half TPs to begin with trade monopoly. Honshu has 2 TP on the main island and one on the south. So the intention of the map makers are quite clear, that it shouldn't be so easy to go to another island, turtle there like hell and wait till the other gives up totally frustrated.
Agreed. Perfect example of where to use Trade Monopoly.
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Re: India Series

Post by Comadevil »

[quote=""KingKaramazov""]Coma, go to AgeSanctuary and watch the game of Slim Shady vs Soldier. Basically a very similar thing happened -- Soldier completely won on land but Slim just dominated sea, went to another island, and there was nothing Slim could do.

This is the way to play on this map.
Of course u have to go on a water map sooner or later on water to boost ur economy and destroy the water economy of the other player.

But i have a different opinion about the games of u and Shady. You and Shady had too different strats and they were different games in my opinion.
U abandoned the main island and u didn't wanted to fight on the main island, Shady fought on the main island and kept even a small base there. Shady kept so Soldier busy, u didn't keep ur opponent busy at all. Ur opponent just wasn't aggressive enough, killing ur undefended TC at minute 12 and ur undefended fort at minute 15 is just too late, if u want to rush hard. Big mistake by ur opponent. And he didn't go straight for the sea later was also a big mistake. ANd again the big mistake that he didn't look after his economy

Soldier tried in his game to go to sea but made a big mistake by attacking the 4 caravels of Slim at Slims home with his 4 caravels where a TC and a dock with together 115 anti ship attack were standing. Quite clear that he would lose. Then he made the mistake that he didn't pursue water any further (No WS no fishing boats) instead he build up his eco on rice paddies, which would have been better invested in fishing boats also he didn't go for warships so it was a matter of time of losing. This was in AOK TC so and it is here the same

Coming back to ur game: When ur opponent gave up the game wasn't decided at all. Ur opponent just wasn't used to play water maps that'S why he gave up. Let me underline why i see it so: U wasted many ships in getting down a fort which was backed up by 2 castles. U were fighting with ships against buildings with together 500 anti ship attack and lost much of ur advantage at sea, though in the end of game u had still 4 war ships left. Ur opponent had 0 warships but could have build 1 warship instantly and somne more if he would have shifted vills to wood. HE had iin the end about 3200 food and 3200 gold, what u cannot see after the game has ended because the res were queued up in the war academies for armies. U had 27 vills more than he. Of course u had an advantage, but it wasn't so great that he could not stand against u anymore. His problem was: HE had no ideas so he got outplayed. Another opponent who would have looked after his economy would have had now an advantage over u i am sure.
And if u invade an island, don't try to go with ur ships where his fortifications are standing. Just go to an unhabited place build with a vill barracks and stables backed up by army and ships standing behind. Then u are able to pump enough army. Just building ur army on another island and bringing it to the other isn't a viable strat.
Instead u should have gone straight for his home base for raiding or build up ur own base on the main island again

I didn't do it perfectly, but it's the general way to be successful on the map. Only 30% of the map is land, so obviously you have to dominate water in order to win.

You are right. But abandoning the island isn't the way to go in my opinion. But fighting like Shady and using the other islands is a viable strat..

I think we will still see much change in how people will play Honshu
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Re: India Series

Post by KingKaramazov »

Well, Coma, my point is...Shady did a lot better job than I did. Regardless, winning on sea and expanding to the other islands is the way to win on Honshu, not trying to beat them on the main island and holding your base there.

Once again: the main strategy -- the main goals that you should go for to win -- are very different on Honshu than any other standard map.

I don't think you can disagree with that, based on what you've said.
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Re: India Series

Post by SPQR_Incidious »

....bleh... been away too long
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Re: India Series

Post by KingKaramazov »

Who are you? lol
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Re: India Series

Post by SPQR_Incidious »

....well at one time, my game was solid...... now ima newb all over again.... sheesh i cant even get my sig rite :P

i guess im back now..... hopefully my game will follow shortly
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Re: India Series

Post by Comadevil »


Once again: the main strategy -- the main goals that you should go for to win -- are very different on Honshu than any other standard map.

I don't think you can disagree with that, based on what you've said.[/quote]

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Re: India Series

Post by KingKaramazov »

Posting another game.

This one was against another 1st Lieutenant. He played the Japanese, and I, of course, was India.

I think this game really demonstrates how the sheer speed of Sowars makes them effective raiders / distractions.

KingKaramazov vs Wilhelm_IV
India vs Japan
Winner: KingKaramazov
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"Why are some people all grasshopper fiddlings, scrappings, all antennae shivering, one big ganglion eternally knotting, slip-knotting, square-knotting themselves? They stoke a furnace all their lives, sweat their lips, shine their ey
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Re: India Series

Post by KingKaramazov »

Well, I guess nobody was interested in the last one.

Here's one against Plop. I played him a couple times today. First time he played Sioux and the map was Andes. I tried to go for Incan natives since I didn't feel like attempting to beat him with Indian units and though I gave him a fight and killed his TC the wakina mass beat me. I'm not posting it because I think it was rather...bleh. If anybody wants it posted, let me know.

The second game he played Ports and it was a lot more interesting. Watch it and tell me what you think. I think both of us would appreciate tips. Plop could use some from Nav for Ports and I could use some from anybody with India. Heheh.
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"Why are some people all grasshopper fiddlings, scrappings, all antennae shivering, one big ganglion eternally knotting, slip-knotting, square-knotting themselves? They stoke a furnace all their lives, sweat their lips, shine their ey
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