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Aztec (Sun) vs. Dutch - late game (Bayou)

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:23 pm
by Sun_Tzu1
This one is for Rum,

I play against a Dutch player 2 PR higher than me. I played defensively (which I wouldn't recommend with this match up) but I get a win.

In it, I'm quick to build a market and do all the upgrades. I also lay down a farm to get the fd collection upgrades there. (Notice, the intention is to get the farm upgrades for the hunting, etc. bonus rather than actually using the farm itself). Plus I send 5 settlers to give myself another boost.

If you check the graphs after the game, he's collected slightly more eco - but not too disimilar. However, I would argue that our eco's are closer than that because, for example, I get WPs from my firepit, but, the "eco" needed to build them doesn't show up on the graph because they're built from the firepit rather than collecting eco and the using it.

Re: Aztec (Sun) vs. Dutch - late game (Bayou)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:01 pm
by ruminator
Thanks - will watch later this week when I get chance on the home PC. After a 4 hour TF2 thrash my wife is less than impressed with me at the mo!