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Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:32 am
by Navarone_Guy
I'm sorry, KK, but you're using the Iroquois. Can you really say you're legitimately winning...?

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:52 am
by KingKaramazov
lol Nav, Iroquois are far from the worst civ in terms of OPness these days, although I know you absolutely hate them.

Also, more than a few of those games in TWC were Aztec / Otto / German wins.

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:41 pm
by Navarone_Guy
The Iroquois only got a slight nerf. Only two of their twenty or so blatantly OP unique advantages got taken care of.

I do respect your Ottoman/Aztec/German wins, though. :)

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:36 pm
by ZoRPrimE
Ok now lets do mission statements as if our AOE3 gaming was a career.

Damn Iro's play something fair like China!! But don't start playing those OP Sioux, there's just no respect in that!!

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:15 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
[quote=""Navarone_Guy""]I'm sorry, KK, but you're using the Iroquois. Can you really say you're legitimately winning...?[/quote]

Nav just hates iro :-P
no point is discussing that, although I know he knows Iro is not OP at all, they might even be UP :twisted:

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:21 pm
by Ivon_Blood
My goal is to reach 1st Leutenant in the coming months :p will be a bit of a challenge as ive just reached master seargent....

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:50 pm
by KingKaramazov
Well, I don't think Iro are as OP as Nav probably thinks they are, but they are kind of underrated since not many people play them these days -- I think they are definitely still in the top 4 or 5 civs.

Compared to Sioux, Dutch, Spain, or China, though, they aren't OP.

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:57 pm
by kingchrisII
FPs and their FF is still OP!!
but they aint too good anyway
My aim is to get back to my stats from aoe3, which is 2nd lt in sup and 1800 1v1 elo!!
gonna focus more on playing 1v1s with my brits and only dutch when facing 2nd lts +, which i feel is ok as i only a sergeant atm!
I would also love to master playing ports

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:03 pm
by 36drew
^ Chris -- I have much respect for anyone trying to master ports. They are a very difficult civ to master.

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:21 pm
by kingchrisII
thanks drew maybe i could 1v1 you with them!! i need to get a strat that is good for me!

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:33 pm
by NEO_CrAz3n
Nav's a very good Port player. So is MNBob.

I played ports back in AOE3 and before my horrible freezing. I think the toughest thing about them is their lack of cannon in age 3. Also, knowing weather to go for map control or defence when placing your TC's.

Whenever I went against a rush civ I went defence, got the CM card and used TC's for cover fire. I stayed in colonial longer and delayed fortress.

Whenever I went against a non-rush civ I'd forget about CM, use MM if needed, went for map control and FF'd around 5:50's.

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:19 pm
by Navarone_Guy
I've been playing almost exclusively Ports recently. Basically, I just do my turtle/raiding strategy and mix in other units later, while shipping in muskets and xbows for anti-infantry.

Against a defensive civ, I go infantry, go for map control, and boom. I'd be glad to do a few training 1v1s with you, Chris.

KK, I'll go through the OP Iroquois bonuses again.

Warchief crackshot attack from 16 range (so he doesn't die in the process like the Aztec and Sioux ones)

Warchief aura, 20% that STACKS on all upgrades!

Forest prowlers that are stronger than skirmishers but have stealth, making them some of the best raiders in the game.

Four infantry upgrade cards in age 2, one more in age 3. Combined with the aura, that leads to fortress-age units more powerful than normal imperial units.

Support cards in age 3 that can cost 250 resources to get 2000 resources worth of stuff SIX times.

Light cannons, still by far the best cannons in the game. Instant switch from movement mode to firing, 3 speed in firing mode, act as culverins, mortars, and normal cannons at the same time, and very cheap.

The travois dance still spawns buildings for the villager second equivalent of 100 wood. That means 100 wood plantations, farms, and war huts. Not to mention that they build faster and don't require villager seconds to build.

You honestly still think Iroquois are only one of the "better" civs...? It seems that people who play Iroquois tend to act as though it's a fair civ. probably to make themselves feel like they're winning with skill. For example, KK, you suddenly jumped to above your previous TWC rank (Which means you got about four PR higher and 100 ELO higher than you were before), in a matter of 20 or so games. I don't think you spontaneously concocted the ultimate strategy and all of the sudden became better, because that takes time. You just started playing Iroquois.

Sorry if I'm being mean here, but I've played against Iroquois enough to thoroughly despise any attempt at making them seem like a civilization rather than a cheat.

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:00 am
by I__CHAOS__I
[quote=""Navarone_Guy""]KK, I'll go through the OP Iroquois bonuses again.

Warchief crackshot attack from 16 range (so he doesn't die in the process like the Aztec and Sioux ones)

Warchief aura, 20% that STACKS on all upgrades!

Forest prowlers that are stronger than skirmishers but have stealth, making them some of the best raiders in the game.

Four infantry upgrade cards in age 2, one more in age 3. Combined with the aura, that leads to fortress-age units more powerful than normal imperial units.

Support cards in age 3 that can cost 250 resources to get 2000 resources worth of stuff SIX times.

Light cannons, still by far the best cannons in the game. Instant switch from movement mode to firing, 3 speed in firing mode, act as culverins, mortars, and normal cannons at the same time, and very cheap.

The travois dance still spawns buildings for the villager second equivalent of 100 wood. That means 100 wood plantations, farms, and war huts. Not to mention that they build faster and don't require villager seconds to build.

You honestly still think Iroquois are only one of the "better" civs...? It seems that people who play Iroquois tend to act as though it's a fair civ. probably to make themselves feel like they're winning with skill. For example, KK, you suddenly jumped to above your previous TWC rank (Which means you got about four PR higher and 100 ELO higher than you were before), in a matter of 20 or so games. I don't think you spontaneously concocted the ultimate strategy and all of the sudden became better, because that takes time. You just started playing Iroquois.

Sorry if I'm being mean here, but I've played against Iroquois enough to thoroughly despise any attempt at making them seem like a civilization rather than a cheat.[/quote]

I was waiting for this one lol

many of your points can be countered you know...

support cards? hardly realistic to use em, and nobody does

if they were still so "OP", people would play em, nobody in the top still plays iro

light cannons are age 4 and not so good anymore anyway, getting to age 4 used to be easy, now its not

their colo units are really poor, many seem to agree that they can be rushed now

FP are not much stronger than skirms.... :roll: and its the only decent unit they have

4 unit upgrades in age 2... Did you even play iro once??? in a normal game, you rarely have the opportunity to ship em early on, so it doesn't matter. 2 out of 4 are commonly played in iro decks

if iro gets any more nerfs, they will be total garbage

what I do agree on:
the travois dance should be nerfed (BUT IT IS RARELY USED AFTER GH GOT NERFED ANYWAY)
the crackshot is a bit too good in the hands of strong players, but put your units in stagger formation and it already loses half its effect

the best ranked iro player is at rank nr 373 OP OP OP

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:19 am
by Navarone_Guy
Their support cards do not form a strategy alone, but they are individually OP and can easily be used when you have the chance.

People play mostly China now because it's just as OP and is a new civ. Once the novelty value wears off, Iro will become popular again. Look at TWC after the patch but before TAD came out.

Light cannons are in fact in age 4, but once they get to age 4, you lose. Obviously you don't make a headlong rush to age 4 just to get those, but for age 3 their cavalry completely obliterate artillery with their 2x multiplier.

colonial units are not poor by any means. Tomahawks are slightly weaker base stat-wise than musketeers, but just throw on some cards and the stacking warchief aura and you have some seriously OP units.

FP are FAR stronger than skirms. they have 110 base hp and 17 base attack, compared to 120 hp and 15 attack for skirms for the same cost. However, throw on 4 cards and you all of a sudden have 154 hp and 22 attack. Throw on free veteran status and you have 176 hp and 26 attack. Throw on the warchief aura and you have 211 hp and 26 attack. You get a skirmisher with 211 hp and 26 attack in age THREE, and they have stealth. Stealth is incredibly powerful if used right. I've singlehandedly won games using it.

I have played Iro before, and I didn't even play and I beat people over my level. I just sat there, spammed war huts with my travois dance, stealth raided with FP, and he evaporated. The Iroquois have infantry attack (also benefits mercs and stuff, and ALL infantry, not just hand or ranged), infantry hp (same thing as above), infantry combat (also same), conservative tactics, and team scout infantry.

Re: Goals Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:48 am
by I__CHAOS__I
you're still talking as if iro is the same civ before all the nerfs...
they prob pissed u off at that time and since then, nothing good can be said about them and whoever dares to use em is a lamer