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Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:03 pm
by Sun_Tzu1
Does anyone use stealth?

I have to be honest. I played a lot of TAD games and I can never remember anyone using stealth on me. Now is that because no-one has, or is it because I've just not noticed it.

Have tended to steer clear of the Coyote Stealth card because I've always thought it's just not worth it. Plenty of better age 2 cards to use. However, I've used it in my last couple of games and it definitely earned it's worth. You can really masacre groups of settlers, etc. if you stealth right up to them and then unstealth - particularly if you unstealth while some other distraction has your opponents eye. It's also useful for escaping, i.e., run to a clear spot and then go into stealth again. Plus, I was using it to take Coyotes right into my opponents main army. You can see everything they have and place them right behind those pesty cannons.

Any thought? What about Iroq prowlers. Is it worth having stealth with a ranged unit?

Re: Stealth

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:21 pm
by LoN_Colossus
Any unit that has stealth I use. Jaguar Prowlers and Native scouts being my most used, purely because I have more games with them.

I find stealth really turns the tide in battle because you attack when you want, where you want. If you kill 1/3 of your counter whilst you have the jump on them, that really changes the outcome.

As for Iroquois Forest Prowlers, they are GODLY for stealth raids and the like. Run into their perimeter, shoot some vils, run away and stealth again. You don't know where they'll hit next :D

Re: Stealth

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:31 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
I know I do

Re: Stealth

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:37 pm
by GeneralMichael
In 40 min treaty games I do sometimes with jaguar prowl knights but only if it is a 3v3 so then nobody will get the spies. Once the other team has spies thier units can shoot your stealthy units. In rush games I use it a bit more. I remember one ffa where a guy as japan was terrorizing everybody but me since I was able to kill his scouts before they got to my base. Anyway I then went to booming and unfortunately for me I had a trade route go through the middle of my base but he did not but he did not make any walls after 40 mins. So I did many raids and many times I would have my jaguar prowls knights sit in stealth in the middle of his armies path so that once his cannons were trying to go around them my jaguar prowl knights attacked so then the cannons were down before they could shoot and the rest of his units were hi.

Re: Stealth

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:38 pm
by GeneralMichael
Ohh also I don't think it is worth it with ranged units since I use stealth mainly so my hand infantry don't get hurt as they are charging at my enemy. Also watch out for enemy explorers/monks/war chiefs and town centers they make nearby enemy stealth units come out of stealth

Re: Stealth

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:59 am
by Tubruk
stealth is evil when used properly :twisted:
one spy costs a few resources, knowing the layout of the opponents army, so you can counter efficiently is going to cost them a lot more resources than that spy, and you can sneak up on the good old explorer, warchief, etc. and japs GRR they get the equivelant of free spies with the consulate damn shinobi.

Re: Stealth

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:01 am
by Tubruk
stealth is evil when used properly :twisted:
one spy costs a few resources, knowing the layout of the opponents army, so you can counter efficiently is going to cost them a lot more resources than that spy, and you can sneak up on the good old explorer, warchief, etc. and japs GRR they get the equivelant of free spies with the consulate damn shinobi.

Re: Stealth

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:29 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
Coyote stealth can crush entire armies. I don't play Aztec, but I have seen stealth work wonders for players who do. It is especially good for slaughtering large masses of ranged infantry, like longbowmen. They have no idea you're coming, their anti-cav is somewhere else, then you just pop out of stealth among them and they all die.

This is why I heed the advice of my great inspiration Luigi who said: "Always keep your explorer with your army!" Explorers see stealth, so i don't have to worry about my skirmishers getting backstabbed by you nasty Aztecs! TCs also see stealth, so that makes stealthy raiding a bit more tricky. Don't get me wrong: Stealth up to some distant hunters and they are gone.

Re: Stealth

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:41 pm
by 36drew
^ The worst is when they unstealth, you go to kill them, and they have gone back into stealth and you don't have an explorer, scout, envoy, etc nearby.

Re: Stealth

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:27 pm
by ruminator
I used to love stealth coyotes - they were great for scouting the map in peace. If you saw some villagers you could then cut them off from safety before attacking.

You don't need to put all of them in stealth. Keep some stealthed and out of your main army and then feint an attack with visible ones - when they commit you can then attack where you need. Kill their explorer first though with ranged!

Stealthed Jag knights are great for closing up without LI interference, as well as an invisible shield for mace - that's a surprise for any uhlan!

Re: Stealth

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:20 pm
by cleeduz
I rarely use Forest Prowlers, but stealth does give them more purpose imho. :neutral:

Do you Iro players commonly use Prowlers? Are they a less beneficial/practical unit? I've watched quite a few recs and rarely see them...

Re: Stealth

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:05 am
by Tubruk
[quote=""cleeduz""]I rarely use Forest Prowlers, but stealth does give them more purpose imho. :neutral:

Do you Iro players commonly use Prowlers? Are they a less beneficial/practical unit? I've watched quite a few recs and rarely see them...[/quote]

iv seen quite a few players use them in unrated in 2v2's. Im sure MrMilo uses them aswell, have you seen his VOD cleeduz?

Re: Stealth

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:26 am
by GeneralMichael
Earlier today I had a nice example of why stealth is good. I was playing a 2v2 and the battle was fairly even though my team had the slight lead and the other team never attacked us once. Anyway I had 10 jaguars prowl knights go up in stealth and set them next to the path of 20 longbows, 10 muskets and 2 rockets. When the enemy was right next to my group my guys attacked. By the time the enemy fough back i had almost all the longbows down 1 of the rockets some muskets :twisted: and so i was able to take down the second rocket before it could fire and by the end i lost only 4 jaguar prowl knights where if I had attacked head on i would have lost the battle. Which with this last fight the other team resigned. 8)