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Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:08 am
by mrsniffler
well earlier today

( leading actions to awkward moment)
i got up late and biked to school. by the time i get there i notice my fcking bike lock was gone xD. so i had to bike back home to get a ride to school
( never know if some1 wil steal bike)
im sweating and tired from biking to school and back ( mabe 30 min bike )
i get to my locker ( late )
then i think " crap what do i have first periods?"
so i THougbt i had science xD

i walk into the science room ( class full )

half way to my desk i see some1 sitting in my spot

so im thinking " whats she doing in my spot? and who the hell is she?"

i look around i dont know any1 except mabe a few freinds

THEN IT HIT ME" omg, im in wrong class"

my freinds started laughing lol


cause every1 froze to see what i was doing xD
and every1 one was staring at me

LESSON LEARNED: dont be late for school ( u get tired,sleepy cant think straight)

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:11 am
by 36drew

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:13 am
by mrsniffler
i am now the laughing stock of grade 9s xD lol

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:36 am
by I__CHAOS__I

I remember I once went straigth from the pub the the early morning class (7.30) at university (was studying japanese back then). I was drunk and it was some sort of bet I had accepted. The plan was to hide til the break somewhere on the last row and hope not to get spotted by our teacher... One small problem: only 3 other students showed up for that class, so we were 4 in total... so far for the hiding plan lol. I had to do lots of excercises that morning on the blackboard and it was the longest class ever. I won the bet tho :D

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:11 am
by mrsniffler
lol xD

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:53 am
by GeneralMichael
Man that happened to me several times in middle school and once in 9th grade and once again in 10th

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:54 am
by GeneralMichael
Well i did not bike to school but i went to the wrong class room or i thought it was some other period

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:17 am
by Nighthawk22
Once i went to the wrong class 5th hour.. and then after, i went to another class thinking i was headed back to the correct one.. and was wrong AGAIN! :neutral:

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:24 pm
by GeneralMichael
OOh i just remember what happened to this one kid in my english class last year. He fell asleep and nobody noticed. Then the bell rang and we all left the room and nobody even noticed that the kid did not even move even after the bell rang. So he fell asleep during period 7/8 my teacher does not notice him during period 9. Then a kid comes in since my teacher then had a 10th period class. When she comes in she notices that he is asleep. Which he has his elbows on the desk so they are at almost a right angle and his head is resting on his fists. He is also drooling at this point. So anyway the girl notices this and tells my teacher he quick takes a picture and then wakes the kid up. During class the next day he told my class about it. From then on each of his friends had to check to see if he was awake when the bell rang

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:59 pm
by Saint
When i was younger i had a part time job as a porter at the local body shop. Part of my job was to deliver cars to customers around town. One day...I was on way to drop a car off and i decided to stop at the gas station for something to drink. I hurried in and got my soda and ran back out to the car i was delivering and jumped in,threw it in drive and started to take off. As i hit the turn signal to make a left onto the main street something didnt seem right. I looked around and thought wth . I look to my right and there is a young girl in the passenger seat next to me with eyes as big as tennis balls. She looked scared out of her mind. Suddenly i realize...Im in the Wrong Car!!!!!!!!! I throw it in reverse and pull back in just in time to see this kids mother running out of the gas station with a horrid look on her face.I park get out ans expect to get beaten by an irate mother thinking i'm a would be kidnapper. In the end Mom and the Kid realized that in my haste to get the job done i puled a major air headed move and we all laughed about it.

This was and still is the most awkward moment in my life.


Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:12 pm
by mrsniffler
LOL, how did u drive the wrong car?

steal some1's keys?

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:23 pm
by luukje
awkard: When I met my wife, there was one group of my friends she didnt particuraly like. My old college drinking group. I had grown a bit tired of them myselvers and when most of them got really awful boyfriends/wives,... I didnt see them as much. But they kept inviting us, and sometimes we would go, sometimes not.

Then we decide to get married. They learn of it and expect an invitation. My wife tells me she doenst want these people around on our wedding. The friends themselves, she can live with. But their partners, no way, a bunch of rude and aggressive people.

At the same time another couple of the same group decides to get amrried, very fast, even 2 months before our date. Off course, we get an invitation.

So no we have to choose: go to their wedding and invite them back. Or let it go and tell them they arent comming to ours either. The girl who was getting married was a pretty friendly one, boring but always sweet and her boyfriend wasnt the worst. It was just 2-3 other people of the group we really didnt want. So we couldnt decide what to do. We didnt want to hurt their feelings and we didnt want to ruin our wedding. So it goes on and on... and on and on...they call, we dont reply etc...

Until we leave our home on a saterday morning and and a wedding couple is just getting out of a car...all dressed former friends...most embarrassing moment of my life.

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:32 pm
by Shizle
Don't worry sniffler, the one thing I've learned is that 1) everyone makes those kinds of mistakes, and 2) it'll be forgotten with a little bit of time so don't lose sleep over it. Just chuckle along with your buddies and it'll fade away.

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:39 pm
by mrsniffler
and not worried but thanks shizle xD

but for some reason lots of ppl know xD
even ppl i dont know

i dont think its too much of a deal :)

Re: Awkward moments

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:06 am
by Saint
[quote=""mrsniffler""]LOL, how did u drive the wrong car?

steal some1's keys?[/quote]

Sge left the keys in it same as i always do. This was in NW Montana in the early days..No one stole cars there then!