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The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:40 am
by Highlander999
I attribute this strat to making me rise 2 ranks from 2nd Lieut to Captain. I have beaten plenty of Lieutenant Colonels with this and it eats Japan alive. Other civs it works vs are: China, Britain, France, Spain, Sioux, Otto's. It also works ok vs Germany and India if you are on the ball. However, do not try it vs Iro, Ports (lol, ironic) and Aztec mirror as you'll be hitting the dust hard. This strat is OP on Deccan and Carolina, so practice it on there

Firstly this is what my deck looks like:


The crucial cards here are 300 wood, 10 mace and 5 coyote runners.

Here is my BO:

- First 2 villis on crates, rest hunt.
- Queue as many villis as possible until you hit pop limit so you have 9 villagers, all hunting
- Get as many treasures as you can. If you had 300 wood crates, get as many gold or food ones as you can to try and help your age up time. If you had 100 gold crate try and get a 50 wood treasure first.
- Send 300 wood as your first shipment
- Once you have 800 food, age up, with the 2 skull knights, whilst sending 2 villis forward to build your warhut. Also put 4 villis now on gold and 1 to gather the wood crates.
- Once your villi has finished with the wood crates make him build 2/3 houses and put him back on food
- Your warhut should be built by now (or very soon) Make it your home city shipment place and put those 2 villis onto hunting.
- You should try to aim to be aging up with 250 food and 250 gold. Once you have aged ship 6 puma spearmen and build 5 puma spearmen
- Once you have 11 puma spearmen, send them into the enemy's base. Get his military buildings down. Then hit his tc, using your warrior priest, xplorer and skull knights to deal with any military units which appear.
- You should also be sending either your mace or coyote runner shipments for extra support and to get his villi's
- Now it is just a matter of cleaning up

Here is a link to the rush in action. Me vs Hydro (Captain) as Japan. As you can see I took his rax down and used the skull knights to great effect. ... 2735#22735

Feel free to post any feedback or questions here :D Enjoy beating those Japan lamers ;)

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:08 am
by Tubruk
nice il be sure to try this out :P
but i dnt think the recs wrking, or is it just me? :S

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:18 am
by Highlander999
What's up with it?

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:34 am
by Tubruk
its fine now for some reason Internet Explorer wouldnt show hyperlinks :?

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:40 am
by Tubruk
its fine now for some reason Internet Explorer wouldnt show hyperlinks :?

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:08 pm
by Hydrovert5
Yeah I make a cameo appearance and got bashed around a bit.

Good game mate. ;)

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:27 pm
by danno527
This works well trust me we met in qs and he total caught me off guard. I wasnt laming japs i was playing russia i think. anyhow nice write up Highlander.

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:42 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
aging at 4min+ with just 9 vils is really risky

i dunno why Hydro didnt call mm or ship 5 ashi's instead of 600w, he did spot you had shipped 300 wood

also: fight with your vils when they siege your TC; losing a few doesnt matter

add the 9 maces card to your deck

I can't believe this eats japan alive, only those who have 0% adaptation skills

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:09 pm
by TheRam
With the Puma sieging your TC they will kill it before you can get a shipment, it seems like a decent rush, choco tried it against me earlier but I peeked and realised what he was doing (saw him on this forum page) so I walled and aged with 10 vills building yumi :P
Either way, as I've said a million times - well executed rush > Japan.

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:20 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
It is a good rush, I just suggest not to do it all games as if he rushes or foresees the strat you'll lose.

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:29 am
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
I noticed that BenS64 has been crushing people around M.Sgt. with this. I agree that if you're spotted trying this strat, you'll lose badly. But if you just go along with standard discovery this strat definitely can catch you with your pants down.

Having said that, thanks for posting the deck and B.O. Now I'll know immediately if an Azzie is going to pull this on me and I'll have a few walls and 14 xbows ready! The gold-gathering and minimal villie count looks like a dead giveaway, too. Scouting... one of the most priceless skills in AOE.

Nice post, Highlander :-P 11 Pumas at your TC before you age is a frightening prospect, indeed!

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:24 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
those pumas won't be at your TC before 5'00"

scouting is indeed priceless in aoe, yet so easily done wrong.
How often to you get distracted by some treasure...

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:12 pm
by Highlander999
[quote=""Kaiser_von_Nuben""]Having said that, thanks for posting the deck and B.O. Now I'll know immediately if an Azzie is going to pull this on me and I'll have a few walls and 14 xbows ready! The gold-gathering and minimal villie count looks like a dead giveaway, too. Scouting... one of the most priceless skills in AOE.

Nice post, Highlander :-P 11 Pumas at your TC before you age is a frightening prospect, indeed![/quote]

You don't honestly think I would put my top of the range BO and deck here do you??? This was my original strat, I have tweaked this slightly so I age up about 10 seconds later but with a half-decent economy and now use that ;)

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:04 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
[quote=""Highlander999""][quote=""Kaiser_von_Nuben""]Having said that, thanks for posting the deck and B.O. Now I'll know immediately if an Azzie is going to pull this on me and I'll have a few walls and 14 xbows ready! The gold-gathering and minimal villie count looks like a dead giveaway, too. Scouting... one of the most priceless skills in AOE.

Nice post, Highlander :-P 11 Pumas at your TC before you age is a frightening prospect, indeed![/quote]

You don't honestly think I would put my top of the range BO and deck here do you??? This was my original strat, I have tweaked this slightly so I age up about 10 seconds later but with a half-decent economy and now use that ;)[/quote]

Sounds good to me. If I knew what I was doing with Aztec I might actually give this a shot. It looks fearsome.

Re: The Aztec Puma Rush: Your Answer to Japan Lamers

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:12 pm
by Sun_Tzu1

I've given this a go. My results have been a bit borderline. Both games I tried it I couldn't get the TC down before I lost my troops. In both cases, my opponent got MM, or equivalent out.

However, I am willing to work on tightening things up till I get it right. The thought of being able to fit a game into a 10 minute space (make or break) is quite appealling as it fits more around family life.

Finding myself housed was a problem. After building the WH, and aging with the 2 skull knights, you only have 6 pop spaces left. I managed to queue 4 pumas and then ship the 6 puma card but the moment you do that you can't build any more pumas. And I think I'm right in saying the queue finishes before the shipment arrives.

Am I right in saying, before you age, you're looking to collect another 50 wd and get your 3rd house up? Then you can ship the 6 pumas, queue at least 1 puma and hopefully reach the full 5 before the WH completes the build. 3 Houses sounds good.

Also, am I right in saying you hold back until you have 2 skulls and all the puma before you go in. Otherwise you loose the suprise & the TC can get more hits in on you.

It seems to me, if your opponent tends to send an eco shipment as their first shipment, this will work nicely. However, if they send a LI shipment as their first shipment, you can be in real trouble.

IMO, you can't hit them with your full force before they age. However, you're are looking to hit them before they can get their first shipment out.
