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What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:02 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
I think one of the coolest things about AOE is the fact that there are SO MANY UNITS! The diversity is part of the reason this game never gets old. There are so many units I like, but today I want to ask everyone what their favorite unit is and why. There are a lot of factors: How do the units actually perform? Do they look good? Are they cheap? etc..

I'll get this started by announcing my favorite. If you've played any games with me you'll not be surprised to hear that it is .... THE UHLAN!

I am a cavalry guy. I won't conceal it. I like riding around the map causing mayhem and striking fear into longbowmen's hearts. What better unit to meet my needs than the uhlan? He has awesome attack, he's cheap, he trains fast and I get them for free with my shipments. I can upgrade the heck out of them and I can use them to kill other cav if I get in a pinch. Matched up with xbows and skirms they can handle virtually any foe as long as you have rudimentary micro skill. They come in big packages in Age 3 and they knock down villies almost as fast as oprichniks. Not only that, I feel good inside when I click on my uhlan and he answers me in that slightly whiny voice: "Jeeahhhh??"

Which units do you like?

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:15 pm
by Soccerman771
The Mahout Lancer. 1200 HP with devastating attack to light inf/cannons with ---- you guessed it splash damage ftw. Easy to micro. I also like the Food/Wood combo for the unit. Less eco to manage. Upgraded w/Mandabdar and the "explorer ele's" behind them and they are just beasts to take down. Plus, who wouldn't want to see an elephant smash down a building with it's head??? I mean that's just cool.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:26 pm
by rambo098
my favorite unit is the skirmisher. why? he got good range and the sound of hes gun.

But Kaiser i think you are wrong with the "game never gets old part". Imho this game starting too get OLD ... CuZzZzZzZ: ensemble studios dosnt release a new patch to REMOVE all japan lamers in this game!!!

Im sick of getting totaly dominated by a 2 lt. And after the game he types "GG Noob"
Im a major and im supposed to beat a 2 lt when sleeping.

But yes Kaiser the Uhlan is a really cool unit. my 2nd favorit!

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:39 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
[quote=""rambo098""]my favorite unit is the skirmisher. why? he got good range and the sound of hes gun.

But Kaiser i think you are wrong with the "game never gets old part". Imho this game starting too get OLD ... CuZzZzZzZ: ensemble studios dosnt release a new patch to REMOVE all japan lamers in this game!!!

I sadly have to agree that the Japan menace makes all our AOE 3 experience frustrating. That is the reason why I stay off TAD QS and occasionally dip back into TWC and vanilla.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:46 pm
by GeneralMichael
Well even though i love the calvary to do raids my favorite unit has to be the hatamoto samurai. The reason why I love them soo much is that i liked samurai even before this game came out. Also 1 hatamoto samurai can take on 3 regular samurai and by the time he is killed only 1 of them will be left standing and that samurai will be 1 attack away from being killed. Also one time i was playing a 3v3 treaty game where the other team had 5 or 6 walls and I had my whole army attacking the front when my teammate finally made a whole where they had made a wall to the edge of the map after the treaty was over. So i quickly charge my daiyamo to the back and made a huge army before my enemy noticed and flew right through the walls. Eventually 2 out of 3 of the guys quit so the only guy left was france and as me and my teammates where carving up his town he killed all but 2 villigers and buit stablles just out of mortar range of my walls and just spammed the french calv and when he was 1 wall away from egtting in i just went hatamoto happy and they killed all of the calv as they rode by. Sorry about the long post.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:47 pm
by huGGy
Doppels ftw 8) It's just cool, how some upgraded Dopples own all the enemy cav in no time.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:04 pm
by 36drew
Great bombards.. I think.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:10 pm
by EndlessPower
[quote=""36drew""]Great bombards.. I think.[/quote]

Big badaboom ftw 8)

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:15 pm
by LaZy
Villagers. Vills is what makes the game fun. I like having them go to my allies Town Centre and get a little shopping going. Especially if ur ally is France. All the new hip fashion designs make my female villagers gather food from berries even more delightful. I also like my villagers when they head to their raves. Its so cool watching them go round and round and round in circles partying away in the Fire pit. They really have a great time. I guess those berries might b similar 2 magic shrooms. When the vills get hungry they can b seen hunting animals by unpacking oversized spears and bows from their invisible backpacks. They can even hunt by themselves since the various animals they shoot at just stand there looking destiny in the eyes and hoping for a swift end. After the excitment of the "kill" my vills rush to closeby trees to gather firewood. With this firewood they can crawl into their undersized houses and feast on their freshly hunted food whilst enjoying a warm cosey atmosphere as they hear artillary sounds in the far distance. When things get hectic my vills ask me to make a church so that they can feel "protected" and spiritually excempt from their orgies. Yes orgies! every time I want them to really party I hit the Bell. In an instance they all rush into the town centre for some serious intimate fun. Villagers can even be "transfomred" into mean fighting machines if u pimp them with market upgrades or if u really wanna c them metamorphasize u can always Revolutionize. Villagers r also very Lazy, they dont mind standing for hours on end if I dont give anything 2 do. They never grow old nor need time 2 go c the dentist. They dont pay Tax and always do as they´re told.


PS without vills u aint gonna do very much. But b ware if u pay more attention 2 ur vills then ur miltary units ull start 2 be more and more like LordandCount

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:18 pm
by 36drew
[quote=""LaZy""] Yes orgies! every time I want them to really party I hit the Bell. In an instance they all rush into the town centre for some serious intimate fun. [/quote]


Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:30 pm
by Nighthawk22
lol, ur right, villies do pwn. So thats why theyre 2nd in my book. I like Uhlans and Doppels a tad bit more. ;)

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:35 pm
by luukje
They should have 5.000 hitpoints so they never die.
Id give a kidney to have them trainable.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:41 pm
by Hydrovert5
The musketeer.

Cheap, easy to produce, and good all-round.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:09 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
[quote=""LaZy""]Villagers. Vills is what makes the game fun. I like having them go to my allies Town Centre and get a little shopping going. Especially if ur ally is France. All the new hip fashion designs make my female villagers gather food from berries even more delightful. I also like my villagers when they head to their raves. Its so cool watching them go round and round and round in circles partying away in the Fire pit. They really have a great time. I guess those berries might b similar 2 magic shrooms. When the vills get hungry they can b seen hunting animals by unpacking oversized spears and bows from their invisible backpacks. They can even hunt by themselves since the various animals they shoot at just stand there looking destiny in the eyes and hoping for a swift end. After the excitment of the "kill" my vills rush to closeby trees to gather firewood. With this firewood they can crawl into their undersized houses and feast on their freshly hunted food whilst enjoying a warm cosey atmosphere as they hear artillary sounds in the far distance. When things get hectic my vills ask me to make a church so that they can feel "protected" and spiritually excempt from their orgies. Yes orgies! every time I want them to really party I hit the Bell. In an instance they all rush into the town centre for some serious intimate fun. Villagers can even be "transfomred" into mean fighting machines if u pimp them with market upgrades or if u really wanna c them metamorphasize u can always Revolutionize. Villagers r also very Lazy, they dont mind standing for hours on end if I dont give anything 2 do. They never grow old nor need time 2 go c the dentist. They dont pay Tax and always do as they´re told.


PS without vills u aint gonna do very much. But b ware if u pay more attention 2 ur vills then ur miltary units ull start 2 be more and more like LordandCount[/quote]

Hilarious !! ROFL! Too bad the euros don't have something like the fire pit, especially the French... they don't even have any female settlers around haha.

Re: What is Your Favorite AOE 3 Unit and Why?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:31 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
Skirm/forest prowler. Hit n run, micro like hell.

I miss FF wars :'(