Surround Sound idea's

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Surround Sound idea's

Post by emperoral »

Ok guys some of you are bound to know but the plan is to upgrade my TV and surround sound etc. I also want to if poss copy my DVD's on to a desktop and hook it up to the TV, also will be poss to have surround sound as well?

At the monent I have a sound processor hooked up to amp but I believe reciever's are prob the best option these days. Regarding TVs you guys have any thoughts plasma or LCD?
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by StrokeyBlofeld »

A surround AMP is the way to go if you are looking for really good surround sound and audio playback quality too. This is what I have, it is linked to my TV, radio, DVD and my computer. I can give you some ideas if your not sure but would need a price range.

Obviously if you go for an AMP, unless you already have suitable speakers and cables then this will be a large extra cost.

As for TV, LCD is way better than plasma and will last much longer too. You can get some decent LCD's for great money these days, you only pay massive amounts for the big names such as Sony.
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by Sporting_Lisbon »

The only experience I had with a surround system was having my dog gnawing the cables two days after setting it up.
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by Blackadderthe4th »

Go for LCD over plasma TVs as plasma TVs degrade quicker over time and a LCD will last you longer.

If you want to copy DVDs on to your comp then you gonna have to search around for some software that will do this. You can't just copy and paste ;) . I'm sure you can find some free software on the web. I had a go and found one, only problem is it takes a whole day to copy a 90minute film! :o
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by Blackadderthe4th »

Oh and if you do get surround sound then get a big ass subwoofer and watch Dune. The bit when they use thumpers to summon sand worms caused such massive vibrations from my subwoofer that the whole house shook and felt like it was gonna come down. Twas awesome!
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by Comadevil »

Same with Lord of the Rings. Thank God, neighbours didn't complain ;)
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by emperoral »

THe amp I am prob looking at another Yahama or a Denon / Onkyo sytem. Speaker wise I am ok at the moment but I plan to down grade as the floorstanders at a bit big lol. Watching the start of Private Ryan was well different. I even blew one of my speaker some how years ago watching Star wars when star destroyer came on start! Yeah a sub is on the list.

Cable wise what sort do I need to hook up a comp to the TV or will it need to hook up to the amp also new cables will be required on this set up

The amount I have to spend is around 2k mark
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Re: Surround Sound idea's

Post by StrokeyBlofeld »

Well, for around 2k you should be able to get a pretty decent set-up, I'll give you a break-down when I get a chance to dig it out. (I did one when I got my set-up), it will help with your budget.
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