They cost more, wood gathers slower. -1 or 2 atk yeah, would do tho.skirms in COLONIAL, they cost less,
East india men and schooners would be the same, you misread. When was the last time iro, sioux, german or french went sea? With schooners/india men fishing boats would cost 52.5 wood, more than old 40w.Fishing boats do NOT need yet another boost. Your "fix" would also make east india men far better than schooners.
Yes, but in the middle of the battle if you only have a few pikes it's imbalanced that a few cav chew through RI. Who said I don't accommodate for it?Ranged inf do NOT need a boost vs. cav. If he sends a cav shipment, just tear him apart with your pikes, and if you get your pikes killed your army deserves to die anyway. You shouldn't undo the counter system cause you don't accommodate for it.

They lost 15 atk vs cav but got 25 hp. Zams die too fast when cav reaches them but they pwn cav hard when cav doesn't reach them, that's not right. They'd be more standard this way.Your zamburak edit would make them stronger than they are now, and they're the last unit that needs a boost. Boost keshiks instead.
Sorry but Port flexibility must be fixed, ports atm are a turtle-to-fortress-or-die civ. Bringing musk/caça improve cards to colo and fortress (I actually like those fortress card slots) wouldn't make you rush jap would it? Other boosts could be given tho. Don't forget I boosted fortress age up time in the overall changes.Your Port edit would only make the Port econ better, when it's their military that needs fixing.
Thanks for the analysis btw